Jeff's New Custom Bike, Breck Epic MTB Race, Mountain Bike Myths & Classic Listener Questions..Ep 97


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Today on the MTB Podcast, we recap our fun-filled trip to Breckenridge, Colorado for the Breck Epic MTB Race before discussing some of the finer details of Jeff's latest MTB. We then jump into an engaging array of listener questions ranging from common mountain bike myths to how to tune your bike for your area & everything in between. Tune in!

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode
97 of the mountain bike podcast i am jeff i'm jared and i'm liam and on this
episode we're going to talk about how to tune the rear shock on your hardtail oh gosh coil shock coil shock hopefully
it's cool rear coil shock on your hardtail nice uh we're actually going to talk about our breckenridge trip slash
the breck epic six day mountain bike race my new bike which is a custom
painted rebel ranger that i'm pretty excited about and the upcoming trip liam liam and i lena
that'd be a cool word liam and i liam and i have to andorra we're going to andorra to visit the four stall bikes
headquarters it's an e-bike brand that we're bringing on to the shop which we're pretty excited about oh yes and then listener questions ranging from
mountain bike myths retro mountain bikes how to adjust your bike when you're under biked or overbiked and
the best pranks ever pulled in worldwide cyclery history
wow well dj b's nuts play a sound effect and you
listeners out there if the sound effect doesn't work good that's because we've got the temporary dj his name is bees
nuts we're missing green goblin today go beep
[Laughter] how was that for a sound effect
wow that was good so breckenridge boys oh we spent two weeks
in breckenridge colorado in the rocky mountains it was awesome we filmed a lot of content and took photos and rode a
ton of bikes and liam and zach and dominic all raced to the breck epic
which was six days 240 miles well it ended up being five days because of a crazy weather cancellation 200 miles
yeah 200 miles uh jared and i mostly just filmed the race and slept and slept
yeah we got up early some of those days well it's kind of hard to sleep in in that condo when you know if someone
pulled the trout like people walking around
i guess i'm up the blender going off six times before seven a.m is that the blender six six
thirty twenty eight awesome blender blender i had a feeling that was gonna happen because there was so liam did it with the uh buddy of his as a race
partner so did dom and exactly it solo which was quite impressive especially given some of his
uh shenanigans shenanigans his his two nights a week uh going out partying in
the middle of the race and still surviving and completing it solo so hopefully our youtube video on this
whole race documentary comes out well it was a pretty cool race i was really impressed i thought it was i mean that area is
gorgeous i didn't do the race but i filmed it and it looked like some days you guys had a great time and some days you didn't what do you say willie i
think that's spot on um i'd say so we only did five
stages technically over six days because uh stage three or day three got canceled
due to thunderstorms and lightning storms up high so we did five days i'd say three of
those five days were absolutely incredible riding one of the days was pretty darn
incredible and one of them uh was a really hard
route to race um definitely left me salty and sour
yeah it was kind of an interesting race because it it was sort of a cross-country race but it's i don't know i mean a lot of people there were on
cross-country bikes some trail bikes and there was a good showing of spandex but also a lot of people in baggies i
don't know i was like roughly 20 to 35 miles a day and every day there was at least 5 000 feet of climbing if not more
yeah yeah roughly some of the days were like 40 42 miles with 6 000 feet so yeah
um huge mountain bike race days every day in a row for well what should have been six days would that end up being
what it was two days and then a day off and then three days three days yep yeah um yeah man i mean it was
it was probably the hardest week i've done on a bike especially you know quote unquote trying to race um those days
um yeah base elevation of the town is 9000 feet 7 400 feet yeah so everyone was
dealing with elevation stuff at the same time which is a lot harder to ride a bike at yeah that actually was the
hardest part for me was the elevation like yeah a lot of sea level people had that issue yeah like me and my so i did
the men's duo open category so i had a a duo partner uh mike easter who is a
long time roadie friend of mine um neither of us we're both pretty fit i'd
say um fitter than you know then maybe your average especially mike
we couldn't even really get our legs to get like taxed during the stages because
our lungs would go first like we our lungs and then because our lungs we couldn't breathe
uh our heart rates would spike and that was pretty much like put us in the in the rev limiter and threshold and
we couldn't really like use our legs to what i know that they could do until the very last day of the race and
that was the day me and mike really were able to like catch our feet and kind of put in some real hard efforts so
yeah it looked like cool race i mean we definitely had fun filming it we would look at the routes each night and then figure out where we as the film crew
could kind of get to and try and get some footage and then be at the start sometimes and finish sometimes and i
don't know i kind of want to put together a fun little youtube video documentary on the thing which is different than our normal youtube videos
i think it'll be a challenge to edit this thing um i don't know what do you think jerry do you think we got enough good footage
oh i think we got plenty good footage the interviews are going to be great we got a lot of good words from all the
riders and mostly zach right mostly zach um
yeah i think that it's going to be you know yes it'll be a departure from what we typically put on youtube but i think
it'll be also one of the best pieces of content that we put out and unique and um
and yeah it'll be entertaining i think no matter what yep definitely and man breckenridge i fell in love with
breckenridge there was so much fun riding there the downtown is awesome it's just the
right size it's not big and it's not you know small um there's all these amazing trails so well
built that's what i was probably the most impressed with is how well built those trails were and just just the locations everywhere yeah signage was
great everything was well marked there was jumps there was berms there i mean there wasn't i guess there wasn't really
a lot of rocky tech there by any means it was mostly kind of more rude to get out a little bit on the colorado
trail i wrote plenty of rocky rooty tech stuff yeah so a little further out of town yeah instead of 10 miles out of
town you had to go 20 miles out of town but yeah i mean i agree breckenridge itself
is so far the best colorado town i've been to as far as location of this the city itself and the
from that the location of the trails yeah we didn't have to drive a car if we didn't want to yeah that's always going
to say as we we're walking from you know walking all over town riding bikes from where we're staying in
town to the trails yeah and not just like the trails but like a myriad of trails you know like fun flowy yeah your
jump line or you want a little technical or like you want to do a big day like or just take the bike path for you know to
keystone like yeah and gravel bikes yeah or commuter road bikes i don't know or yeah i mean just a casual bike path too
i would highly recommend it that was probably the coolest mountain town i've been to for sure in a long time i'd love to go back one would have fun yeah yeah
i agree i'd love to go back for a week with just the boys and go have fun not necessarily trying to race playing a
couple big days and playing a couple days where she's like all right let's go explore yeah maybe we hit the town and you know wake up at noon yeah or go
rafting or yeah yeah there's a lot of stuff to do there so couldn't cannot recommend breckenridge colorado enough
for a good fun mountain bike destination to take a little vacation to if you're looking for something like that and it's
probably a great ski place in the winter but yeah i don't know it is really ski so yeah but it looks nice
speaking of breck that was the first time i got to ride my new bike which i built another revel ranger it's not a
ton of another it's not a ton of new bikes these days that are exciting me well it hasn't really been many new bikes from anyone
because of the whole pandemic shenanigans for the last couple years in supply chain what not um and i don't know i also have said this a million
times before on this podcast but i feel like bikes are kind of a little bit hitting an innovation plateau and they're pretty damn near perfect
that revel rangers is so good it's such a fun bike it's a 115 in the back right
and then 120 in the front 29er i love that thing and i had one as kind of my
primary bike for quite a long time and just built up another one uh thanks willie for all your help there
since you did mostly all the work and it came out so good it uh we had it
custom painted by this guy technar and it looks so cool it's got this whole two-faced paint job um all the youtube
video about it and uh it'll sneak on the instagram soon enough here right jared that's right yeah pretty soon yeah
yeah man 11 speed oh for an actual 11 speed not one with the whole cog cut
off people looking at my drive train like whoa what drive train is that just an old one
all right i'm gonna ask you one question because i know you're to do a whole youtube video on it but for the podcast
from your previous ranger to your new ranger ooh was your favorite part change that
you made on the bike because you only changed a couple parts but all of them are like pretty decent
parts that you changed i think the the wheels were the biggest change the wheels so my old ranger i had industry
nine uh trail 270s yes right but i had the 24 spoke versions
with aluminum rims aluminum industry nine uh 27mm internal rims and on this
new one i have those new bird hawk 27 rims with
the bird spokes and industry nine hubs and that made a huge difference in the way that that bike felt i mean i shaved
off almost a pound right by doing that definitely yeah yeah those spokes and those rims are so light and it just made
that bike feel so fast uh i really liked that um i really am kind of just totally
digging on those bird wheels right now i rode those on that rascal as well when we went to sun valley and i just love
them i think they're they ride super good they just make the bike feel really good this kind of perfect balance of
damping in terms of the way that the wheels vibrate and good not too much flex not too little
flex it's just they're just dialed i really like those things you have them on your bike now too right i do yeah i have the bird spokes laced to the
revel rw27 rims but i totally agree with you i mean i think it dropped like i
want to say 250 grams off the wheel set just swapping out the spokes alone yeah those spokes are like i mean
just the difference i mean the wheels spin up so quick like acceleration wise yeah that rotational weight when you
have spokes that are that light it's kind of hard to explain but once you get on the bike and you kind of go from stop
to 10 miles an hour that just like spin up is just feels so much more effortless with wheels that light 100 i mean uh it
just i'm on my mondraker raise and it just yeah the bike just pedals so well
with those wheels i mean it just it's a game changer you know versus just like a regular wheel set you can just you can
just tell how much better it faster it accelerates and climbs easier and and you're right the
vibration damping is actually pretty remarkable as well yeah yeah so you're gonna start riding those i have them on
my manual raise as well i have bird spokes lace to revel rw30 rims
um so uh 29 internal word turret has a 27 internal ones
um yeah i i love them on that bike um yeah i haven't i haven't been all the
reasons above so yeah i mean it's been a long time since i've tried something new and i was like oh i really like this
this is better than what i had before yeah but those bird bird spokes they they definitely did it so yeah i was
pretty pumped on that speaking of that we just did a really funny instagram giveaway uh that we partnered with bird on and they actually gave one lucky
winner a free set of what 2 200 wheels um for what was the contest it was
dressed up like a bird like a bird or something ride in a bird costume yeah um yeah this guy rode the bike park at snow
summit and a bird costume and it was very impressive yeah people put some effort into that contest yeah rightfully so it was a big
prize definitely it was tough to choose the winner but um i think that he deserved it and he is a
an avid cross-country racer so he will put them to good use yeah that was funny yeah i just remember
looking watching those videos when you saw him rolling in and i was like this is some pretty funny videos people actually dressed up like a bird here
very entertaining it was entertaining [Music] speaking of entertaining things oh and
dora so liam and i are getting on a plane this week to go flying into barcelona which is just south of andorra
andorra is a small landlocked country in between spain and france which happens to be the headquarters of forstall and
also home of a big ski resort where they have mountain bike world cups basically every year right yeah they had one this year
um forestall man i'm really curious to go there because forestall i don't even
know enough about i feel like yeah they're new on the scene but they've been you know clearly who's ever funding for
a stall has got deep pockets and they're making this incredible stuff a motor from scratch
and just a premium e-bike mountain bike brand um from scratch but they've been
working on the project for how long uh i don't even know years yeah it's been years and now they're
coming to fruition and yeah we've been working on this project for like 16 months now yeah um when we first started
having conversations about carrying them so yeah it's been a long time coming for
both sides yeah and i mean what they're basically their mo is they're really trying to make you know the leading e-mountain
bike in terms on the premium side of things so when you're talking that sort of 10 000 plus ebike
that's where they want to dominate and make the best stuff most reliable stuff and just really good high quality bikes
and we've got we've had a couple demos here for what six months uh since sea otter yeah yeah we had them
yeah yeah and they've been so much fun to ride every one of us that's written and has been blown away it's part of why
we're like yeah this brand is going somewhere and they know what they're doing so we definitely want to be a dealer for them so it's going to be cool
to go to their headquarters and it's always cool to go to bike brand's headquarters and you can really get an
idea of the legitimacy of the brand and who's doing it what's going on there how well organized or not it is
and you can kind of just see what's happening so i'm i'm pumped to do that and check that out and we finally got a
whole bunch of those bikes here uh you know in stock so if you're curious hit our website we've got a
bunch of information on that we're going to continue to make sort of videos about the brand and um yeah just show people
what they're doing on the insides of it because it is cool i mean i think that they kind of have their sights set on
some really really high targets with what they want to do and accomplish with those bikes and so far it seems like
they're pulling it off quite well so i don't know what are you excited liam i'm super excited i mean
i was excited just when i got the bike and started riding it jared and i both got these we took him to sea otter we
rode uh santa cruz campus trails on them and like right away we're like these things are insane they
um kind of blend the difference between it's kind of like the best of everything
you have your enduro bike you have your lightweight e-bike which is like the kinivo sl from specialized and then you
have a full-size e-bike you kind of get like the best of everything like i feel like the forestall
rides really good downhill um you get the weight in the right place uh but you can also throw it around like normal
bike and then going uphill you have the torque of almost a full powered e-bike that weighs 50 pounds even on these
weight 41 pounds um so right away i was like blown away um it's really hard to ride a normal
bike when that thing is so fun to ride yeah um and yeah i'm stoked to go to andor i'm
stoked to see the headquarters from all the photos i've seen the headquarters looks like uh like they should be designing f1
cars yeah well and they're actually making the bikes there yeah doing laying up the frames and everything so it's a
pretty unique operation yeah definitely anyone's making bikes in andorra so yeah that's pretty weird the paint booths and
the paint uh the paint jobs look amazing in person but yeah i want to see the paint boost
and all that stuff too the operation over there just looks completely high-end and
really incredible so yeah they have actually really good instagram by the way if you want to check that out it's just forced old bikes or something i
believe so yeah um but yeah their instagram is good they do a good job at kind of showing the inside of the facility there and what they're working
on in their paint room and all that sort of stuff and um it's pretty rad it's just it's just shocking what they're
doing and what they're pulling off and yeah it's another one of those sort of new brands that's coming up and
everyone's kind of turning their hands going oh whoa this is interesting yeah um yeah i'm excited that it's an e-bike
like you could barely tell honestly yeah true yeah because they're that kind of lightweight e-bike for sure yeah but
then they just pack a lot of torque which is really cool yeah yeah i loved those things that riding that and riding
a number of other e-bikes made me realize like i kind of really just like that 39 to 41 pound e-bike and i don't
really want to go much more although you made a good argument about the mandraker that you rode because you can just do these what 30-mile rides
yeah do these big epic rides and yeah i get it i mean i think e-bikes in terms of size of battery and motor
that's going to be just like size of suspension and yeah you know travel of suspension and everyone's going to be like well i have this you bike for this
and this one for the hat what's your flavor yeah you're going to have them all and you know plus in the years to come i mean with battery technology
improving constantly um we could very well see full power d bike weigh 10 pounds less you know yeah
and the kind of years so yeah we'll see yep that is true i'm looking forward to
that yeah me too well should we dive into these listener questions i think so uh this first question
is way too wordy something about you're given a magic rock magicians are tight
on times are tough for magician this is a very long confusing question i don't know who wrote this you want me to read
it uh no no there's too many words but the question is essentially if you could if you could wish away
a myth in the mountain bike world what would it be uh i don't know
yeah it's kind of a tough question i don't know if there's too many things i could say myths or maybe just
uh misperceptions i i would think something something that kind of is a pet peeve of
mine is when people will rag on a brand with
one data point and what i mean is if they have one buddy who broke a you name the brand then they think that
that brand sucks forever you know uh or you know they they got a rockshox
reverb post uh during the you know version one of it and it had multiple
warranty issues and now they just wrote off rock shock reverb posts for the rest of the life even though they've totally changed since then so i think that's
kind of my pet peeve is that you have to understand with all of the stuff in the mountain bike industry there's always
iterations there's always improvement in this stuff and there's always a defect rate a warranty rate and that warranty
percentage rate uh it's a real thing and it won't go away and just because some brand makes
something that has a one percent warranty rate just because you happen to see one percent of something doesn't mean that the rest of that those
products suck or that brand sucks um that's just something that peeves me
i don't know what you got jared i would totally agree i mean you know kind of like based on that kind of like we were
talking about earlier when we were going over these questions you know you're saying like how basically when like yeah you
switch infinity came out everybody was like well that that slides on a stanchion like
that's gonna go horribly wrong yeah and like people see things that they yeah they look confusing and they just go oh it's
terrible yeah it's terrible one guy oh okay have you tested it do you know anyone who's testing it do you understand the like clearly understand
the intricacies of the testing that the brand did before they produced it and decided to sell it yeah because if you didn't do any of those things then you
shouldn't be making judgments right now yeah it's not like eddie was just like hey this looks pretty cool let's try this out i was like no i think they
probably figured it out before like you know had many iterations and uh you know obviously it works
really well because i've never seen a switch infinity oh yeah no it's aside
from someone that's been completely completely neglected yeah and like obviously obviously that's gonna go
around because you're not supposed to neglect you know maintenance on your mount but yeah but um i mean yeah i've
never seen one that's been like someone was like yeah i've been taking care of it and it's just gotta destroy it like that just doesn't happen yeah no it
doesn't work like that i mean like anything there's gonna be a percentage of things that go wrong yeah but that
you could just name any suspension part on any other full suspension mount bike on any brand and there's gonna be a percentage of those that were just have
a manufacturing defect issue yeah but that's pretty much what i got um because yeah i mean i've had
five yetis with switch infinities and they've all been fine yeah so i've had five
yetis i think so you're a dentist son of a dentist
but yeah i mean i also you know guilty of servicing them and greasing them and
making sure the bolts are tight oh yeah took care of your bike sue me took care of your bike well yeah it
worked well yeah i made sure it was clean and greased and bolts are tight like that's all you have to do with pretty much everything yeah yeah it's
like the those those people out there who never service their dropper post and then it doesn't work well and they think it's a
piece of junk and it's like well did you ever service it i thought it for a year yeah yeah exactly
i should have serviced it twice by now it's not a once every five years thing so here's this thing it's called grease
yeah yeah you got any myths liam or i'm gonna start a myth the magic wrap oh you're gonna start one yeah
uh the horses no that that's a business opportunity to keep that down
um if uh your tire logos aren't lined up with your
valve that they won't actually seal right that's hilarious yeah who's ever
listening please tell your friends that with a straight face and then after you tell them that tell
them that it only doesn't apply to hardtails that have rear shocks
specifically hardtails with coil shocks or tails with coil shocks you know this is if someone's
listening to this episode and they're kind of half listening and also watching a tv show or have it as on the background and they just like chime in
and hear your entire logos don't line up with your valve stems your tires look what what like they're gonna
a lot of weird context in this episode that you're gonna have to gonna be on your toes for this one yeah i feel like i don't know we should i feel like we
should tell the story behind the the coil shotgun oh yeah just go ahead tell jared all right so we're on our way out
to colorado um in liam's van is me liam and zach and um you know we've been driving for i
don't know at least maybe a day and a half at this point and we passed a car with a bike on the roof rack
and it was a i want to say it was probably like a was it a k2 or something k2 it's like a mid-2000s k2 yep from
sport chalet okay full suspension i might add um you know and it was a aluminum bike and
zach just kind of mutters coil shock on a hard tail
and liam and i kind of sat there for about a minute to we couldn't process what he had just said so
um we thought and then i just go what the did you just say
what's up and then i think that uh that broke jared for like five minutes
i was crying zack i mean you you know better one of those road trip things man yeah
you know so uh there you have it that's why we're we're exclaiming cool shocking heart that's true speaking of
shocks or all rear shocks this next question is actually pretty important yeah uh does low speed compression
settings affect sag when setting up your suspension uh the answer is yeah you should have
your compression high and or low depending on your shock all the way open slash off when you're
doing your sag so turned counterclockwise correct yeah yeah on
most shocks counterclockwise minus minus
we didn't confuse you with the previous topics here's the unscrewed open
backed off minus sign low speed compression yeah your compression settings should be completely off and or
open and however you want to say it uh when you're setting your sag uh that goes for your fork and your rear shock
there you go um that's a pretty easy one actually yeah not too much to unpack there not too much to unpack
but you know what there is suspensions not packing oh yeah and now we're talking rebound
but yeah speaking of unpacking how to tune your bike for your area that you may
be over or under biked for this guy is overbiked
wow well first off i would say what kind of tires you're running right
because i mean you could get a faster rolling tire and help you out if you're over biked for your area
or if you're under bikes you could get a more aggressive tire setup you know
i mean i would start there do you have any insight well i think you can adjust your
suspension too yeah right so say you've got a you know six inch travel enduro bike and you're riding kind of more
excish trails uh you could definitely put on tires that might not be
as hard as heavy and as durable of casings so you can shave some weight there maybe a little faster rolling resistance
tire you could toss that on there too if you want and then you can stiffen up your suspension so if you've got six inches of travel and
you're riding kind of smooth flow exe trails you don't really need that much so
you know go down in your sag up the pressures and uh just keep the bike a little bit stiffer and faster and that'll
definitely help your overlapping situation a little bit low speed compression if you can yeah yeah
definitely yeah that's like the on-the-fly type of thing if you end up under biked and or sorry over biked and
don't have a shock bump or anything um yeah play around with a bump your compression up stiffen up your
suspension get some different tires you could also you know lower the
your stack under underneath your space your spacers underneath your stem a little better so yeah if you guys if
you're climbing a lot feel like you're climbing a ton and you're on a big long travel bike that isn't meant to be climbing that much then you can lower
that front end a bit that'll help um i don't know i mean i think suspension setup and tires are probably
the most important things there either direction right if you're under biked or overblocked um then you just want to over tire or over stiffen yeah yeah
definitely if you're under biked uh i highly suggest looking at volume spacers
so you better use your small amount of travel for the gnarly trails you're riding volume spacers
which can make your fork or shock more progressive correct yeah yep meaning you can run them softer off the
top while still allowing them to not bottom out that easily just for further explanation thanks jeff
well said i don't know yeah i mean suspension setup and tires i think are the are your
your biggest wins there it's a good call um without changing so many parts and then you just have a different bike
also just a great way to experiment with your bike and you know tune it to your preferences i
guess as well yep yep i agree i agree speaking of preferences
i think this one kind of is uh you know it's kind of your question jeff would you ever consider moving into a new
market yeah well i'm not exactly sure what people mean by new market what do you think they mean well i think they mean
like shopping for bonds rather than trader joe's or would you ever open a store in canada i think that's what they
mean oh i thought they meant when uh it was more of a different industry yes really they meant when we shut down and
went into worldwide coloring kazoos um yep we did we did leave the bike industry on april 1st 2018 2019 19.
yeah i assumed this was regarding uh you know geographical
market and uh world wide cycle we're called worldwide cycling worldwide yes
um we are okay we'll answer it that way with that uh i think yeah people ask us that a lot
hey you should open up a shop here we have we have three stores one in southern california which is where all of us are from um at least us as in on
this podcast and we have a store in reno nevada just north of reno and then we've got one in lancaster pennsylvania on the
east coast and as many of you listening probably know we're predominantly an e-commerce business which means we sell
bicycles and bicycle parts and accessories on the interweb so we ship the stuff and the majority of that shipping takes
place out of our reno and lancaster pennsylvania stores so we're not really
the traditional sort of local bike shop albeit our three stores our retail stores that you can come in and ride
bikes and demo bikes and buy things or click and collect a little trendy term people like to say you can click and buy and then pick up
and store if you want to want to do that you ever heard that term never heard that it's one of those technology ecommerce nerd terms i'm going to click
and click collect um i i think it would be i mean
i think that it would be fun to open shops elsewhere and uh you know i think that sustaining the tradition part of
the reason worldwide cyclery is how it is is because i think the traditional bike shop in the sense of just a local
business uh it's just really hard to sustain and make profitable and keep
profitable and run in a healthy manner uh which is part of the reason why i thought worldwide cycler would be a
better idea to be sort of a multi-channel e-commerce business as opposed to a traditional local bike
shop so because of that because we have three stores that are specifically placed to basically you know if you're
on the east coast or the west coast we can get you your order really quick because it'll come you know routed
proximity proximity proximity it's called proximity routing i don't know if there's a way to say proximity
approximately proximity sounds cool your order will go out of the store
nearest you so you can get it faster in terms of shipping speed which everyone cares about so i don't know as fun as it
would be to open shops in other places it's not really logistically necessary
uh so i don't know i don't really know if we ever will open more than three stores
but would we ever go somewhere such as europe or canada or brazil um that'd be cool well if we
i've already said if we're going to canada um where we're going we're moving up there yeah
at least for the summer i don't want to be in canada i'm volunteering to run that operation yeah we'll be there
see you see you never i mean there's definitely people who
open businesses in random locations just because it's a cool spot and they're like i just want to be here like
breckenridge yeah we just make up an excuse like we have to be in breckenridge we're gonna have a summer store there yeah like you have your
people have vacation homes we'll have uh vacation stores like location vacation location we'll have a pop-up in
breckenridge yeah uh every june first to september 15th
that's honestly not that's not a bad idea would probably work i i don't know i mean we could change it
every year too we could yeah we could change it every year that we could call it the summer pop-up yeah uh i don't know there's a a lot of
these questions fly across my desk these days and uh i don't know we we have a lot on our plate with what we're doing
with kettle uh the apparel brand that we own as well as trail one which is the mountain bike component brand that we're invested in and all the other existing
things that worldwide's invested in working on uh i think a lot of it boils back down
to uh we're in this business to have fun and enjoy ourselves and we want to do
things such as take two weeks off in breckenridge and make it a workation and ride bikes and have fun and make sure
people enjoy themselves and i frankly am just in uh business to have fun and to have a
business that is enjoyable to run and people like to be at and that's kind of the idea here i'm
not really interested in being like oh we need to have 50 locations by 2025 and hit these revenue targets like i'm just
not i don't know i'm over that stage of my life i'm kind of just rather enjoying myself
so if any if either you guys want to go open up locations all over the world let me know
cheers to that i'm gonna sign up for the pop-up location yeah i think the summer pop-up
location might be might be the deal yeah we don't have anything to sell but come and hang out and ride bikes with us
we sell you an experience yeah and you buy parts from us after speaking of
that's a great idea speaking of business uh we need to thank our sponsors for the
mtb podcast oh yes of course which uh may or may not be a response here yo and now a word from our sponsors
hi this is ricky from ricky's tackle box supplies and marriage counseling we've sponsored the mtb podcast because we
heard that there's plenty people out there that are mountain bikers that need to fill up their tackle box with good supplies that also have marriage issues
we sustain those marriage issues in the back right corner of our store and offer marriage counseling for your convenience
when you're there also buying your tackle box supplies we're down on here in three states in south mississippi
alabama and georgia come on see it's ricky's tackle box supplies and marriage counseling thank you
and now back to the show dude jeff we're working while you're
messing with your phone okay go let me ask you your worst mountain bike poop related story
uh i don't know if i have that bad of one um i've never pooed my pants or anything
i did have to uh actually when we were riding with bkxc we wrote a suicide trail that one day
i had a i had a whole cold brew from starbucks i was a little aggressive and
wasn't able to i wasn't able to i wasn't able to have my meeting with the plumber's union prior to the ride for whatever reason so
i figured it was going to happen half and after get back to the car you park at the trailhead or sort of
that like back trailhead in this really really nice homes uh suburban
neighborhood in oak park and in this cul-de-sac and i had no choice got back to the truck and um i
pretty much went underneath some fence and found some gutter and just took a poo while i was looking
at two million dollar homes you made it your own i made it my own so i don't know it was a neighborhood poo that's
not that's not too bad wasn't that bad no i'm sure jared has some pretty good ones it's funny because i didn't i don't
remember this one until now like until you start talking about yours but um i was thinking you know i don't really
have that one bad one but then i remembered this one um i was out for a pretty solid ride
in sycamore sycamore canyon and um on my way back
i was a few hours deep and my gut was just
disturbed to say the least it was pretty common for jared this was a this was a unique
particularly disturbed this was a situation where i was particularly disturbed and um so i got to the i was getting
near those like where is the climb out you know you got to go up the blacktop hill and i was like
where okay when am i gonna get there like wow i this is getting it was getting worse by the minute and so um
thankfully i made it to the bottom you know there's the porta potty right there at the bottom of the blacktop hill
which i proceeded to absolutely destroy but there was no toilet paper um and it
was a messy incident to say the least so i had to sacrifice a glove
glove well okay so here's all these socks are less expensive the glove already had holes in it
so i was like you know what it was already on my hand
i'm just gonna actually remember if i used it in that manner but um yeah i'm pretty it was a nice glove i
think it was a pot glove or something like that but it had holes in it and um yeah it's a poop glove yeah
that's probably my worst one aside from that i went for a ride and i i didn't you know visit the plumber's union is
that what you said you didn't take the kids to the super bowl yeah i didn't take the kids to super bowl beforehand and then like i was sprinting afterwards
but it wasn't as bad that one coming out of sycamore was bad because i was like i don't know if i'm going to make it
mm-hmm you know but the thing got anything really if you don't it's fine no i really mean the listeners have heard
enough yeah the only the only the only stuff that comes to mind is like those really early morning races back in the
day where you're fully kidded you're about to head the line and then you're like oh no i gotta hit it and then you gotta go
to race port-a-potty which is always a line for oh god everyone has pre-race day nerves so they're blown up and then
you have to get naked because you're wearing a stupid bib and you have to get naked in a porta potty yeah
that's that's ridiculous yeah never a lot of those never fun it's not fun it's not like a tragic poop story yeah it's
not you know yeah not tragic it's not terrible but i mean who wants to yeah like get fully buck and uh in a porta
potty not me i mean yeah yeah that's true
okay moving on why don't you have a retro mtb already
uh i would honestly like a retro mtp that sounds kind of cool but you know what i feel i feel as if my gravel bike
is a retro mtb without that with hydraulic brakes and carbon fiber technology yeah it's still rigid
machines it's still rigid has and that's where your skinny tires and that's it yeah
and rigid carbon everything i have a semi retro mtb depends by like
retro you mean like 70s 80s yeah i felt like an early 2000s uh retro mtb
yeah it's uh what do you what was yours well it's this uh it was a pro cycles
which um i believe is a brand from kind of where i grew up
in ventura uh where the guy would buy like giants and tracks and repaint them
as his own bike um i'm pretty sure pretty sure is never a legitimate brand
um and is in my buddy's garage and i used to always go over there and do wheelies on
it and one day it was his dad's bike and he goes when are you going to take that thing home i was like oh now
so i took it home and it's kind of been mine ever since and um it's got like original white
industries hubs on it like og version ones which was pretty sweet uh a rasta salsa skewer
chris king headset um and then it's got like an old 1x10 drivetrain on it
and when i lived in ventura i rode that thing almost daily
uh because there's a much more of a kind of happening nighttime scene than where i live now i don't think i've
ridden it once since i've lived in newbury park so yeah i kind of have a retro mountain bike it's a mid 90s giant sedona oh
it's pretty cool yeah i think you've seen it the one with all yeah you have a pizza rack on it yeah i got a pizza rack and a crate on the back
it's got a hamburger bell it's got some leather grips from portland design work so i think the
company's called pdw uh i just asked the internet by the way and typically the term retro is given to
items which are at least 20 years old but not yet 40 years old because that's a vintage probably after 40. yeah a lot
of this is related to antiques and furniture so mine is retro technically because it's from the 90s mine's more
than 20. about to be 40. it depends we'll be retro soon i mean
2001 it's 20 years ago there you go so we're all retro people would you get a retro vintage or retro yeti or
uh i would be pretty low i would like a really high end
uh xc race bike yeah hard tail that'd be cool like an xc race bike from the early
90s they're kind of all actually right yeah and then and then make it single speed
and put uh i don't know like i would at least have to have wider bars on it it's all gonna
be correct and you're not allowed to have wider buttons yeah it's all some of those closer
bars because they don't work good there's your answer guy i would i would love a sick well this is going vintage but i'd love
a like a 1950s schwinn that'd be rad i love those old bikes what about um
what are they called the uh the ones the huge the ones with the huge front wheel uh
penny farther right oh yeah i've ridden some of those that'd be cool not very tactical
you would look great on that all right next question if i have a trail bike can i just get beefier suspension and call it an
all-mountain bike uh well for starters what's confusing here is a trail bike and an all-mountain
bike to many people would be the same thing and there are no real clearly defined
there's no one specific source that says this is the exact travel range of what a trail bike
is versus an all-mountain bike versus an enduro bike versus an xc bike so it's kind of sort of
commonly accepted knowledge of mountain bike industry people i don't
know blurred lines there's all sorts of blurred lines i uh
so the answer is yes yeah and in this case it's kind of yes if you wanted an xc bike and make beefier suspension and
call it a trail bike yeah i don't know well i mean this kind of goes back to just that concept what we were talking
about being earlier of underbiked and over biked i mean you could kind of take any bike from its stock configuration
and make some various modifications to make it beefier and closer to the next category
of bike up yeah and you could also do that the other direction you can make some modifications to make it closer to
the category of bike sort of below it in terms of below is in less travel and less weight
so you could you can modify your heart out that's honestly probably part of what makes mountain biking so fun you know you take
any one bike and change it up to your particular use case and desired preferences
you can also call it whatever you want to call it yeah that bikes mountain bike mountain bike yeah it is a
mountain bike it's made for going in the mountains made for riding in the mountains
yeah we actually did have a i guess this stuff is more confusing to people who are newer in the industry we made a
video on youtube once called the mountain bike buyers guide and i think i did a decent job of breaking down all
the various mountain bike categories in their travel ranges i would check that video out and that
article because uh it's very useful so if you're still confused on what type of bike is what or
you're just newer in the industry and trying to learn i would definitely just go to youtube and type in mountain bike buyer's guide worldwide cyclery and bam
boom that video has a lot of good information um we try to classify everything in there really carefully and
cautiously and specifically um albeit there's a lot of blurred lines in this whole space of mountain biking because
you change things so much which is part of what the fun is but also part of where a lot of the confusion comes in for newer riders into the sport
true that mm-hmm how about the next question
i dream of running my own shop one day what said yours on the right path from the start
uh well you know it's funny i i did a podcast interview with the nbda the national
bicycle dealers association uh maybe that was it six months or a year ago
and they asked the question something about you know if there's new people wanting to get into the bicycle industry
what are your thoughts opinions advice or whatever and frankly i said be careful and be
cautious because it's very challenging it's a lifestyle industry that's not necessarily the most profitable of one
and there's plenty of risk and challenge involved in it and it's just not easy not that really any businesses i would
probably call i would probably call any business easy but it's certainly not an easy one to run so if you want to open
up your own shop i would just say tread cautiously there's that old saying which is said in
other industries too but it's how do you make a million dollars in the bike industry you start out with two million dollars
that's a good one uh there yeah i would just i would just tread cautiously and tread lightly and
and i think in in my experience being in the bicycle industry for the better part of my life i've seen more shops and
businesses in the industry go out of business because they're run by passionate
bike riders and people who are passionate and love bikes and riding bikes and are not necessarily passionate
knowledgeable or meticulous business people and i think you have to have a nice healthy balance
of the two if you want to actually operate a business that is going to work in the industry so if you really are
clear and understanding and know what you're doing and in terms of the game of business and you also happen to ride
bikes then you'll probably be able to pull it off if you really don't care much about business and it's not your thing and you don't understand it very
well i would just work for a bike industry company and not try and run your own business because you're not a business
person so i don't know that's my advice hopefully that wasn't too pessimistic no i mean
more cautionary i think it's realistic it's it's a tough uh tough business to make it in honestly i
mean yeah be sustainable yeah i mean what again like what so what i just said to answer the latter half of
that question what set ours on the right path was the fact that i wasn't just a passionate bike person i also enjoyed
the game of business a lot and i'm very much a business person on top of being a mountain bike person so that was a really huge help for us
also we just had good fundamentals do right by customers do right by your internal staff make sure you're keeping
up with industry trends and knowledgeable of consumer preferences and behaviors and all of that sort of
thing and just make sure you're stoking people out and that they're really happy to do business with you and that you're also paying attention to your financials
simultaneously so you don't just sink the ship so that's definitely what's helped
worldwide cyclery succeed over the years um just being a little bit savvier at the game of business
than i think most of the people in the bike industry are nailed it yeah yeah i literally couldn't
put it better myself now uh should we proceed to the next
question i think we should this one's a little more technical well not really technical more maintenance focused and it once for
all is it really that big of a deal clamping a bike to the dropper post in a stand i think what they are more
specifically referring to is clamping the bike to the stanchion of the dropper post
yep liam i mean i don't wanna go on record with this one but
um but you are but i clamp a lot of bikes to the stanchion the jog post in the stand
um but i'm not like tell us the catch yeah i'm not
tweaking on the bike i'm not torquing it all around i'm not spinning it around i'm not you know trying to put too much load on
that um when i do that and if i am doing something that requires a lot of load or i'm putting a bike
you know say upside down for a fork service or something i'd move where i'm clamping it
yeah yeah or so essentially the thing is is there's two things about a dropper post you don't want to clamp on the
stanchion because you don't want to mar the stance true so you've got to have a microfiber on there yeah or really good
rubber pads all of our stands have both fresh pads and microfibers yeah exactly so you
don't want to mar the stanchion um and then the second thing is you don't want to just like torque around that's that's
how do you even say that right yeah like yank around it's like a weird yeah it's like i could see it in my head and i
could show you but i can't speak to you uh you don't want you want you don't want to literally
jostle around yeah jiggle around that thing because there's bushings in there and there's leverage and you don't you don't want to do that so
if you do put it on the stanchion uh like liam said don't do anything where you're really like jiggling the
whole bike around like don't don't be trying to pop pedals off and uninstall and reinstall cranks or yeah like that's
not a good thing to do while the bike is clamped to that um and then also just make sure that if
you do put it on there because you're going to do something gentle like you're just putting it in the stand real quick to take the front wheel off and then do
something at the front wheel and put it back on that's not a big deal uh make sure that you don't mar that stanchion and you've got good rubber pads yeah
good microfiber yeah when i build new kind of not a yes or no question it's just like it's a situation
situational and a tread lightly when we build dune bikes at worldwide we have
dummy posts as we call them um just a rigid post or a old dropper with
that's been kind of gutted and we clamp it to that to build the bike and then we take the
bike off the stand to put the dropper in um so a lot of our building and jostling
or jiggling or however you'd call it putting on cranks and wheels and
torquing stuff um is done with the dummy posts so we're
not yeah putting any stress on that dropper that's the proper way to do it yeah but once a bike's built you can't
really do that yeah it's kind of hard to do and if there's it's getting less and less common now because chopper post travels
are getting so long that there's not usually enough um post out
yeah what'd you call that part exposed post exposed like lower post yeah lower post
um out to clamp on that but if there is i always clamp on that too yeah and not the actual stanchion for sure it's
pretty rare nowadays on modern mountain bikes to have that much yeah uh you know lower post out
yeah makes sense yep well jared this is the last question
you're supposed to say at least but not last but not least least but not last
what is the best prank that you all have played on each other that we've never seen or been told
well got a couple of them i've got one which jeff actually set a rule in place
for early on um [Music] jeff was out of town for a while which
he normally is but back then he didn't go out of town as much um he had an office
and we built up a cardboard barrier behind the office and filled up the entire barrier to the roof all right i
forgot about that super annoying with uh packing pillows
um and jeff get in my office opened up the off opened up the door to his office and all these packing pillows came out
and he screamed something and said i have a call in two minutes and
then he had like luckily he had a door in front of his office so he ran around the front opened up that door had his
call then came all the way back around and said clean that up uh new new rule
and worldwide if the prank takes more than five minutes to clean up or to have
made it is not allowed in worldwide so efficient pranks only yeah five five
minutes of setup and five minutes of teardown of prankery if the pranks decrease the work productivity then they
are not acceptable pranks yeah yeah more than five minutes in either direction so i forgot about that rule that was a
pretty that was a pretty funny one early on not jeff i actually made a rule for so i think it's significant
wow i thought you were going to uh tell the story of how you once
removed some parts off of adam's bike because he left it in the wrong place
and hid them throughout the shop well don't make me sound like it you know well because his bike was completely covered
in mud and in the like in
the work area dripping mud and dried dirt all over the place yeah and that's
a no-no and worldwide we have a very clean operation here yeah so yeah i took off the front and rear wheel and the
frame and i drew a treasure map on his desk for him to find the wheels and frame
that's the one i thought you were talking i think there was actually an argument over if that was more than five minutes set up or take down two on that
there's definitely less than five minutes for me to do that come on two wheels off in a treasure map that a two-year-old drew
that's four minutes i had enough change to go to the bathroom after that wow hopefully answering emails while you're
doing that i still thought one of the funnier ones because it was probably one of the only times that there was ever almost an
actual fight in the dank store amongst the staff was we were filming some youtube video
about uh it might have been a trending product sir yeah just bark park park poly loop
which is like probably the most popular grease that we use and everyone in the mountain bike world uses
uh i don't know how that where they all were to film a skit for this park poly loop so
so uh a man that shall remain nameless i don't know if this was his idea or not uh he
he put a bunch of park poly lube on the underside of a door handle and then put a camera recording it and then people
were going and you know opening the door and getting the grease all over their hand and uh
and zach um he's not remaining nameless
zach zach opens the door handle gets pork poly lube all over his hand looks behind him realizes there's a
camera watching him and no one else around and proceeds to go over to the camera and uh let's see how do i say this show his
genitals oh that was as aggressive man i was gonna say he was gonna take his parts that the sun don't shine and sorry um
drag them all over the camera and then
and then then later the camera was picked up and brought to the desk and the
sd card was pulled out and i'm like oh let's check out the footage and then it was like oh all my hands my keyboard and
then there was a whole ordeal and almost a fight and yeah that was yeah right that was a prank almost
funnier than that though is pat went in that door first got the poly lube on him wiped it on his pants
and he didn't even need to do it yeah like nothing in the world happened like just gets grease all over his hand looks
at it within half a second wipes it on his pants goes on with his life weird like there's a bunch of grease on the doorknob i didn't even think about it no
big deal that's a total pack of bike shops you know there's grease everywhere but yeah there's grease everywhere who
cares oh man yeah yeah wow couple of a couple of the best pranks ever pulled
yeah luckily it hasn't hasn't gotten too out of control there's no there's never been like a you know the place never
burned down because it pranks like no i think one time you hit my like i got a new bike and it was delivered and i
think you hit it somewhere and i was like freaking out because it said it was delivered and i was like wait no i can't
find it where that was you know what i've i haven't done it here because we don't really have a bike to do it here but i did it at an old shop once like uh
we i worked at normal family shop sold specialized bikes and an employee
ep'd i think like an s-works tarmac super nice bike um he was not there that
day and it came in we opened up the bike from the bottom
took the bike out slid in a like nine or like four hundred dollar
specialized hard rock um into the s-works bike from the bottom
sealed it back up and acted like we never touched it and uh he went and opened up the box
completely flipped out immediately called specialized before before any of us even knew what
was like fully happening and in the middle of the phone call he's like flipping out and someone overhears
him and goes stop stop stop stop stop i'll show you where your bike is like apologize to the
specialized wraps oh no and uh yeah that was that was pretty
funny wow yeah the old switcheroo gone wrong yeah old switcheroo
posts almost always go wrong right like oh man it's not safe because they spiral out of control quick especially when
you're messing with like someone's dream bike yeah yeah be careful with those but
at the same time for a good prank you gotta hit them where it hurts yeah that's well well uh if anyone's still listening we
would love to hear any good pranks you've ever pulled oh yeah most specifically bicycle related pranks yes
we like to hear those so you have a good one though about what the bearings and the
stuff oh yeah and when i worked at a shop as a kid we did all sorts of funny stuff like that yeah we would take ball
bearings and we'd put them in people's steer tube and then put electrical tape on the bottom of the steer tube which is
pretty good because it's sticky enough it's just sticky enough and it gets less sticky right so you don't notice and you
ride your bike and if you're cruising it you don't hear anything but the second you start hitting bumps you hear this
like weird like ting ting because that ball bearing is bouncing around in the empty steer tube
and it's really hard to recreate um but people i just don't know what the sound is i don't know it's just like i
just only certain bumps i hit and i just hear this like weird sound and they try to describe the sound and it's a good
it's a good one to you know to play with people you're like in the handlebars you know what yeah yeah yeah putting bearings in the
bars yeah that's funny oh man don't get too many ideas
but yeah but with uh speaking of ideas please send your best pranks to podcast [Laughter]
and we may play one here and then tell you how it goes
well if you're listening still thank you we love you we hope you enjoyed this podcast we are going to go on with our
tuesday evening and see you guys in the next [Music]

August 30, 2022

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