Jeff Crashed Into Jared, Amish MTBers, Is A Torque Wrench Necessary? Ep. 106 [Podcast]

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On today's episode, the guys begin by discussing how Jeff crashed into Jared while filming a video, some exotic suspension that we received for Jeff's new bike, and the ever rising cost of bike pumps among other things. This is followed by a fantastic array of listener questions ranging from choosing between a Fox 36 or 38, riding a wooden DH bike at Whistler and everything in between. Tune in!
MTB Podcast Episode 106

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welcome to episode 106 of the mtb podcast presented and hosted by worldwide
Cyclery I'm Jared I'm Liam and I am Jeff and in this episode we are going to
discuss riding hardtails, what to do when your bike has to sit idle, Garmin watches
for mountain biking, experimenting with different Fork travel, and how much weight you should put into the comments
sections about mountain bike parts, and of course plenty of other listener questions that we assure you are
mountain bikers you are mounted Weir mountain bikers we're sure you mouth we're sure you mountain bikers are going
to love and get something from because that's kind of our goal yeah on this podcast yeah you mountain bikers yeah
better listen good how about your breaking news comments oh that's right we actually have just discovered this
breaking piece of News why bike pump prices to go up every year did you know this you hear about this no because of
inflation I thought you're breaking news you must be about some SRAM you know breaks or
something the most dad jokes for any guy who doesn't have a kid all right Lou dog play sound effects
[Laughter] quick notes I put quick notes on uh
things we're excited about um yeah well but but I think we should comment on how we ended up here right
now so it's a comedy of heirs uh we attempted to record this episode 106
last Wednesday uh it didn't go so well we had some microphone issues waste a lot of time
it's frustrating and then we're like you know what tough day it's called it's called quits boys go home next day we go
out Jared and I and Lou dog to film some mountain bikes on this Trail called suicide super Rocky gnarly downhill
Trail uh we'll do some filming um we it's I don't know it's kind of
it's hard there's a big jump probably 25 miles an hour really high speed section of the trail I'm following behind Jared
Jared wads himself right in front of me and then I crash right into Jared uh and go cartwheeling down a hill on Liam's
bike broke a bunch of stuff on Liam's bike uh for sure got whiplash uh gosh if
you're one of the people who are watching this on YouTube uh we'll run the clip for you right now otherwise the
rest of you will probably see it on our social media at some point
you all right yeah are you okay mediocre
what happened it was a pretty good crash we both got
pretty banged up yeah that was that was a good that was a good reminder when you crash going that fast that mountain biking is a pretty dangerous sport for
sure especially on a jump that you've done 100 times yeah and would you also say it's the smoothest part of the whole
Trail oh yeah it's like the part of the trail you get to and you're like it's all downhill from here baby we're home free yeah
high speed stuff and I was like I'm going to Pedal harder than I've ever pedaled off this jump for some reason
um and yeah I mean I will say I hit that bike on the uh Crestline e-bike the other month yeah
and I jump on that press on your bike it was like turbo it was hero during
that day well you're going faster than the motor kicks in so yeah but it's full hero there so you hit that right hander and you're just like you know flying
yeah and I've yanked as hard as I could on it yeah um and I went way too far and like tires landed in the bushes like
yeah kind of where you were almost did what Jared did almost yeah like I'm turned and I made it but I like went
further than the actual hip was yeah um man but I wrote it out e-bikes are amazing at that they just spray and play
me praying spray baby some monster truck over here yeah yeah
we were not so lucky so then we didn't finish that we were trying to film this video All About Yeti's new mountain bike
lineup for 2023 we were gonna do all the commentary of the video after that but after that that was that was a pretty
big rocker so we just yeah we just threw in the towel on that day and you don't want to know it gets even better so then uh than Friday I'm here with Lou dog
trying to get a whole new podcast situation going set everything up Jared's like lovebird on his honeymoon
or something yeah doing you're on an anniversary it's a nice little vacation anniversary
so I'm working on setting up all this podcast stuff with Lou dog uh the
shelves behind us are are not stable and they're sitting on top of USPS boxes and
I bumped the Shelf while we were trying to run the USB cables in this Trail one Viking stem from the top shelf falls on
the back of my head yeah yeah just from the top of the shelf right literally still tender to the touch
four days later still have a bruise it's like significant bruise on the back of my head from that stem hitting me in the
back that was like man three days in a row we're just getting punched in the face by the universe don't they say it comes in threes you're good for a while
that's true I hope so God dude so yeah rough going these days but we're we're
back we're here talking about bike parts wow so speaking of Parts should we list off all the things I need to replace no
I'm just kidding I apologize for ruining Liam's bike I
don't know I like picked up your bike and I was like oh it's all good yeah and I was like oh wait no the lever is it's
broken sorry Jeff you gotta ride down the trail with only one break I don't care at all no I should apologize yeah
all right sorry for my dub line Choice
exuberant pedaling got other bikes yeah that's what he said he's like oh now Liam can't ride his bike this weekend I
was like yeah honestly like yeah that was that was one of those crashes where broken bikes were not
you're actually pretty grateful that like we're okay because you don't crash going that fast every day that's not that's not smart or safe at all it was
also one of those crashes we were like where is Liam's bike yeah literally it was like 40 feet down the trail we were
cartwheeling down the trail yeah yeah incredible I mean when you're going that fast and yeah detach from your bike the
thing just goes like exploded yeah yeah that was wild it was a heck of a crash heck of a crash
we're here my Whiplash is finally going away yeah slowly but surely my sore neck
is getting better I'm scabbing up nicely yeah we're both scabbing up nicely it's all great it's all great so so we're
here yeah uh you know what we should talk about real quick in 10 suspension the boutique suspension component
company from Germany uh that we were talking about in sort of I don't know it
was like a euphoric moment like these European expensive European Boutique bike brand they have so much cooler
stuff over there we love them but they're so crazy like detailed can't afford that yeah they reached out and
they're like hey you guys want to try some of this stuff and we're like oh yeah is this a scam
do I need to hit you on your telegram yeah right how much uh how much crypto
right yeah that was super cool they reached out and I can't wait that stuff looks unbelievable initiated a
conversation and now we have a what is it the hero fork or uh wait an edge
it's an inverted Enduro Fork I mean both of those that fork and shock
are totally abnormal in the sense that the forks inverted the shock looks like a coil shock but it's an air shock yeah
so yeah this this is some I don't know Aerospace grade Shenanigans I cannot
wait to try this stuff I know when you open that was so funny when you opened the box and you were looking at it you're just like it's giggling it's like
a little kid on Christmas you just couldn't stop laughing it's like it's kind of so happy right it's like the
kind of thing you like read about you see on on the internet like yeah that's true that stuff is so exotic like I'll
never get my hands on something like that and then it shows up and it's like yeah yeah I cannot wait to ride that
stuff danger home uses it yeah it's crazy far out builds yeah so that's like
pretty much where I saw them on his bikes and then I like holy crap because it's here in our under our roof might
even start tomorrow afternoon maybe nice or Wednesday awesome yes let's mentioned is going on that Banshee
which we're also bringing on again yeah I'm excited to kind of bring Banshee back into the fold we sold
banshees quite a bit in the early days of worldwide Cyclery and then um banshee's been I don't know here or
there with what bikes and designs and yeah now they're kind of making a comeback and making cool stuff and I was
like wow this is all actually looking really good so let's get this brand back in the fold because this looks sweet so
we're gonna build one up I'm gonna ride it in Sedona and ride it I don't know where else
yeah nice do they have a particular suspension design like that they they do
um yeah it is it's like ks2 yeah named after their founder I think that guy's name was Keith maybe yeah yeah
um it's cool it's a duel link design similar I'd say it's along the lines of like uh and like a pivot nice that's cool yeah
similar to that so should ride good huh it works good looks good yeah the Banshees I've had in the past are awesome so I'm excited to write another
one of those um yeah they just the way they do their raw frames too the way they take that what do you think they even take to that
in the factory it's like um [Music]
oh good yeah it looks really I've never seen raw frames that look that cool looks really good and uh the aluminum
on this new one is really good it's really cool so nice yeah it's gonna look really good with those parts on it yeah
it is can't wait man all that jewelry hanging off with it it's gonna be sweet can't wait so keep an eye out on the
Instagram and the YouTube for shorts and reels because we're gonna build this bad baby up
it's gonna look good yeah it's always fun to build super nice bikes that have a bunch of cool unique Parts on it but this will be a more exotic building I
think I've done in a while in terms of different parts and stuff I think I'm most excited for this bike more than a
lot of your other bikes yeah well it's pretty rare that you we build anything that doesn't have you
know fox or Rock shock on it so true adds a little bit of like whoa what's going on there yeah or more than 130 mL
of travel I haven't built up a long travel bike in a while yeah I don't know it's gonna be sweet what is it like 150 mil travel or 155 or
five rear and whatever you got the 4K 165 170. woof what a beast what a beast
very excited Jeff might not even know what to do with it hmm yes slap some
berms did I'll do my best slap you can slap in some berms of the
first did you did you intentionally lead into that I did not know what a great segue the first listener question is
when is it a good idea to put a foot down during a turn or is it not what was your foot out flat out baby
pull it out flat out Sam Hill when in doubt foot out that's another good one
too that is another good one that's original content that's actually probably not a good idea like oh I'm going to a super steep shoot I don't
know put my foot out no don't do that um yeah during a turn foot out flat out
flat turns I I think is a good idea yeah I mean it just depends on your riding
style so you know if you watch all the World Cup racers that race downhill in Enduro um some of them throw their foot
off way more than others just their riding style they ride a little bit more loose and they prefer to throw their foot off the bike
um you know I do it pretty often too even though I ride clipless a lot of people write clipless and still take their foot out because it's pretty easy
to click back in so yeah if you're if you're on edge and you feel like you're gonna drift and you feel more
comfortable with your foot out then heck yeah a lot of people who rode Motocross prior to mountain biking which was me too
um yeah you get kind of used to that so I don't know I throw feet off but some people ride a little bit more conservative and don't feel like they're
sliding in Corners then yeah you didn't no reason to put your foot out yeah so throw your feet off very often Liam I
agree um it depends where and what I'm riding um lately I have been because the dirt's
so hard packed and it's kind of got that real fine layer dust on top that I just feel like I'm sliding on every corner
and we don't have a lot of berms locally around us so um I do but there's also other times
where like maybe I'm trying to ride obsessions switchbacks and I'm like oh I'm not going to unclip and just try to like do
technique around them so I guess it just depends what I'm doing but if I'm going fast and just like trying to keep up or you know just go fast I probably will
take the foot off a bit more I would say definitely don't be afraid to do it makes you feel comfortable yeah go for
it now balance your weight a little bit the best riders in the world do it all the time yes it's not like live
television that's what you'd call live stream World
Cup races they're doing it on that so that's right so don't be afraid Don't Be Afraid all right how about this next
question how long is too long to wear knee pads down at the ankles when off
the bike post ride post ride yeah I would say just general uh
Aesthetics maybe just take the knee pads all the way off yeah yeah unless you really I don't know
if you're like going right back out for another ride or yeah I don't know yeah if you're in the midnight it's not the
best style or you're you know it's a little bit of a style that you're probably gonna get made fun of we're doing some concrete work like briefly
after yeah I need to lay this driveway I just finished my ride and we'll pull my knee
pads off for 10 minutes before I get get back home and start doing some tile work I guess I'd have to wear knee pads
that's true supposed to be yeah an issue for me for sure speaking of that are you gonna start wearing knee pads after you
just blew up your knee on that crash no no I mean I went for a ride the next day do you think a knee pad would have saved
your knee that's what I was wondering and I think maybe yeah for his because it's just a scrape like you guys prevent
scrapes yeah but it's like first hit on the ground they work and then a lot of
the time though you're doing 24 seconds an hour like you'd call it a minor crash a knee pad will prevent scrape and or
bruise yeah in a major crash not just like slides slides off yeah but most people have minor crashes true and you
know so that will prevent a scraper or bruise and if that's what you're trying to prevent the yeti pads were good yeah I think a properly placed knee pad
probably would have minimized the damage not around the ankles
so properly placed yeah properly placed not around the ankles yeah it would have it would have helped probably but gosh I
would not have been as comfortable how about the next one read it off Jared how to raise a downhill mountain biker
my son is nine and loves it and I really don't want to screw it up
there is something there that is true some of us more recent than others and you were raised down a mountain biker
yeah which raced who raced yep I I mean I would say you know this I think it's
awesome that you're getting your kid into a good healthy fun sport because that's what I think that's an important thing to do and I was very fortunate
that my parents were really supportive of kind of any sport that I got into whether it was surfing or skating or BMX
or Motocross or then mountain biking and that's why I think all you can really do like my parents were just happy to
support and you know help me get into a sport and enjoy a sport no matter what it was that I liked
um I don't think it's a wise idea to kind of like force a sport on your kid if they don't like it but it's just like
my opinion man yeah I appearance never Force anything on me they just like supported whatever
I wanted to to do so yeah I think all of our parents are kind of like that a little for sure I'd say Don't force it
and also keep it fun like if he is racing like who cares if he gets lost or first like he's nine years old and it
probably should stay that way until he's like actually like 16 seconds he self-cares about it yeah totally because
I I did see a lot of I mean we probably all have had friends that their their parents were way too serious and putting
pressure on them to get results in some Sport and it's just like totally that's a good Surefire way to make that kid not
really want to do that I mean Moto dad or the literally Dad yeah mentality yeah notorious for screaming at their kids
for yeah underperforming on the trail like totally that's probably not the best way to treat this situation but
yeah yeah keep it fun vivid memory uh I did like one year of football when I was
in like fourth grade and the quarterbacks uh dad was the coach and I
just have this vivid memory of him just like bawling on the sideline his dad just like yelling at him and pointing his finger at him and just like God
that's that's brutal yeah like yeah that's but hey he went on to be uh in
the NFL I guess so there you go actually in the NFL for like a game oh yeah he
was like a practice QB or something but he made it got pretty far he got pretty far yeah so yeah those parents wild
abusive and yes it's scary maybe they did you know maybe or something I don't know so maybe he only played a game and
realized this is not for me the definition of success there is a little bit vague yeah he's like well success getting your kid in the NFL or them like
in kind of enjoying their life and the time they spent yeah playing sports I think the latter yeah I think so so get
your kids into mountain biking it's such a good sport I mean it completely riding bikes in general uh totally transformed
My Life as a kid and kept me outside doing fun healthy things and not staring at screens and getting into
paraphernalia so yeah yeah whoever asked that question just keep having fun yeah
absolutely good stuff it's a good question for you Liam read it I do not have a torque wrench I am
hurting am I hurting the hardware on my bike by tightening bolts to what feels good
um hurting the bolts or hurting the bike not really but if you're snapping
anything then yeah um maybe maybe he is hurting the bolts yeah maybe he is he didn't follow up
with that like am I hurting the bolts talking into what feels good all of my bolts are stripped yeah
um I mean I would say even myself who's in you know all of us who use torque
wrenches often and when I don't use one I'm like oh that was about five newton meters and then I go to put a real torque wrench on it and it's already
like topped out and like oh shoot I over tightened that already yeah human torque wrenches and like no one's good at that
um and I'd say for stuff like carbon parts and hardware and pivots on your
bike they're all pretty torch sensitive like usually 10 Newtons are under for pivot
hardware and then carbon's like five to six so that's not a high torque like yeah you don't want to clamp too hard on
carbon because you could break it yeah um and then a lot of pivot bolts are aluminum and you're using a steel bit
which means if you over torque it you can totally botch that bolt head so let me of course the bearings yeah that yeah
that's what I was going to say if you over torque that you could damage your bearings huh yep I think the the thing is is uh torque wrenches nowadays are so
much more affordable than they used to be yeah so it's just a it's a worthy thing to if you have a nice mountain
bike and you're going to be messing around with it with tools yourself just buy a torque wrench like it's really not that expensive treat yourself Park tool
sets like maybe 100 bucks and you've got a you know four five six eight ten thousand dollar bike yeah it's probably
a worthy investment yeah that that one park t-handle one just comes with like a T25 uh four five and six right something
how much do you have to spend to get a torque wrench that has an eight mil Allen that's like the more the full size
to buy the full-size one yeah there's really only a couple of ones not that many like the crank bolt maybe and like
maybe the derailleur hanger that would use an eight mil right yeah the other thing too is like if it's an eight mil bolt it's like you can you can the
bigger the bolt the bigger your over torque can be um usually yeah that's true and nine
times out of tens also with the bigger bolt you're also gonna have a bigger like allen wrench handle so you can have
more leverage right so it's also gonna like an eight mil and you know if it only calls for a little bit of torque like on suspension Hardware you'll just
over torque that yeah a lot I mean right here one of the Park tour wrench is 113 that's just the wrench but you can buy
any bit set and that's the nice one that's like the big dog yeah that's the big dog the little t-handle guy is way
less than that yeah way less yeah it just only has but yeah it just doesn't have an eight Milton yeah and it won't really do too much suspension Hardware
because it's like six Newton and under yeah so it's just a limited amount of news yeah 150 bucks you can get in get a
good set with a good torque wrench that's reliable for the investment if you're going to work on your own bike and your own bike costs
several thousand dollars yeah so plus it's always fun to like hear that click and be like there it is it is set
torque wrenches are fun to use these are satisfying yeah it's a nice piece of equipment to have yeah it is absolutely
that's right speaking of equipment to have how about this next question I think I want to go back to riding a
hardtail do you think I can still shred Park I say yeah bro
I only ride Park bro uh yeah um I have a hardtail and I haven't
rented any bike parks but it's fun or jumps yeah I think I could I
guess it depends I mean yeah I could ride it on whatever Trail you just pick your speed right and pick your lines more I mean you know if you could shred
Park before on a full suspension and you're going to hardtail you probably still can yeah absolutely definitely but
if all you're trying to do is shred Park and Ride Park then maybe you could get a full suspension bike yeah um however
like hardtails are awesome for a million different use cases you just got that y cycle zel Hefe hardtail that you're
loving I ride my gravel bike which is not really a gravel bike it's like a
rigid um it's a salsa Cutthroat that has 45C tires on it and a rigid Fork
um I think that's awesome like I love riding things when you when you don't have any suspension yeah or if you even
just don't have rear suspension you start picking lines more you know cautiously and it's definitely really
helpful to just like Advance your skills as a rider to not ride a full suspension bike for sure you have to think about
everything a lot more yeah yeah absolutely and they're just our deals are fun like just an absolute no loss
and power every time you pedal and they're light and yeah they're just a really fun bike to ride yeah so to
answer the question I say yeah you can still shred Park just you know it's gonna be a little different it's gonna
be a little different yeah true yeah go for it because hardtails are fun it's a good bike to have yeah
exactly and you can get in the game for a bit less money oh for sure oh yeah
that's right I mean if you if you're depending on your budget too if my budget was hmm I wonder how high I'd go if my
budget was my budget was like thirty five hundred dollars maybe even four thousand or
below I would get a hardtail really yeah
it's getting yeah it's getting really close to like four thousand dollar price point you can get a decent full suspension bike but tracker a giant or
but at least let's swim three thousand or below hard to 100 yeah
won't be good three grand for a common saw hardtails like a nice one we're getting like a pike earlier yeah I just
really like better Parts on a hardtail than I would like yeah mediocre Parts
including mediocre suspension yeah another suspension bike yeah I mean I would rather have nice Parts I think
we've had this conversation like yeah you know medium Parts on a carbon frame or high-end Parts on a alloy frame I'm
going to go high in Parts on Outlet frame all day long for sure yeah yep there you go
hardtail life it's a good one you should live it Jared's the kind of guy whenever he gets
a new bike he wants everyone else to get a bike really similar it's the best so you get a hard time with me bro let's go
let's go hard telling let's go hard killing man I only ride with other guys on our till so I guess I'll see you guys
another time another hard show I don't know oh man lamb who's gonna have an IPA
yeah seriously handle ball your mustache
oh man I thought I thought this next question was pretty good it's uh what's the official spelling for the SRAM x01
drivetrain is it x01 or x01 um so technically I think on their side
it's x01 right but everyone calls it x01 I don't know it just kind of sounds better say an x01 rather than x01 it's
like syllables yeah people adopted that they say it x01 yeah SRAM internally
right it's a very tomato tomato you can kind of say it however you want yeah Z is a harsh letter zero oh harsh
zero like Za nobody says any words with z z and R yeah pretty harsh letters I
guess this would be such a different conversation in Europe because everyone calls it Zed yeah
yeah that's even worse x01 it is a zero but it's used completely in
interchangeably and is totally acceptable uh for everyone wait a Zero's powerful zero Net Zero Z it's with a z
you're thinking of the accounting software that we use that's x-e-r-o got it yeah or Xerox or Xerox yeah
pronounce z and x and the same word yeah nerve of those people well just so you
know um I I control all of the uh super nerdy search results stuff on the worldwide Cyclery website and I've made
a synonym so whether you type in any query with x01 or x01 you'll get the
same results so this is important things and I'm sure Google has also figured that out too so well if you spelled it
out like all these was you still like if you spelled it out zero like the letter X space z-e-r-o space Oh no that's not
gonna work you're gonna have to do that I'm gonna create a cinnamon for that yeah next zero one so yeah it's excellent
It's x01 but pronounced x01 yeah pretty much yep which call whatever you want
gosh gosh what English guys gosh just gotta
make it more confusing all right I need a break yeah let's have an ad
and now a word from our sponsors hey guys Jeff again I recently made volume
13 of the YouTube video series called ask Jeff anything I've been doing that for quite a while on YouTube now where I
answer all of the various questions from you guys that are from me specifically uh check that out on YouTube if you haven't seen it one of the questions I
did answer that I wanted to mention because it's a it's a nice subtle plug for the apparel brand that we own Kettle
Mountain uh somebody asked about the lifetime repair and warranty offering that we have for Kettle
um and here's my answer so there you go that's all I got for today's short ad how could it possibly make any business
sense to offer Kettle with a lifetime warranty uh all the stuff at Kettle we are offering a lifetime warranty and
basically are repairing anything that ever gets damaged on the kettle gear side as well um because we just want to make really
good durable stuff that lasts forever and we believe in making good high quality apparel that lasts a long time
and does it make business sense that the size of kettle is now yes will it if we get to the size of Patagonia
I don't know I guess we'll figure out when we get there and might have to pull that back in but I hope not I I think
the goal is is we want to make good stuff that actually lasts a long time it doesn't promote consumerism but rather like useful uh versatility in products
that you have less things in your closet that last you longer and do more and now back to the show I thought this was a
especially hilarious but perhaps accurate question do any of the Amish in Lancaster
Pennsylvania where you have a location own high-end bikes and if not can you
find out if that's breaking the Amish rules you should know this I okay so here's
the thing uh uh all of us are from Southern California that's where we started worldwide Cyclery
um after was it it's five years in business we opened up our second location in Lancaster Pennsylvania it's
pronounced Lancaster yeah that's why I didn't say Lancaster yeah Lancaster is in California
Lancaster uh but so so we open allocation we did
that because as business scaled we were shipping a ton of product to the whole eastern half of the US and having a
location in Pennsylvania made a ton of sense we could ship stuff there a lot faster and more economically uh so it
was a win-win so we opened up a store in Lancaster Pennsylvania still there today it operates well it's awesome it's a
super huge benefit to the worldwide Cyclery customer experience for everyone that's on the East Coast that buys from us uh Lancaster somehow is well actually
not somehow I guess there's a few different ways so like that song Amish Paradise yeah famous song oh yeah so
that music video there's a horse and buggy that says Lancaster on the license yeah in Lancaster Pennsylvania became
very affiliated with Amish people and there is plenty of Amish people on the outskirts absolutely
uh the actual like Lancaster City and town is not oh there's no this is not
just normal yeah standard American town
they go into town but they're not listening to the podcast either so they're not listening to our podcast
um but but over the years so many people have been like Lancaster you go to shop in Amish Country like just I meant to
explain this a thousand times um and it's uh yeah that's pretty funny
but I think people from Lancaster Pennsylvania are kind of used to it so one of our guys there Aiden who works in
the store there he's a fantastic customer support rep you've probably talked to him if you're listening to this podcast and you've ever emailed or
called us uh he at one point he took our about us page and he photoshopped uh so
it's like there's a photo of the California store location and the Nevada store and then the Pennsylvania all the
employees yeah with all the employees and so then he took that page and then he just photoshopped out the Pennsylvania store normal employees and
you put in like an Amish family it was so funny I was cracking up
um that being said I don't think they own high-end bikes however what are they
telling us about the
yeah no but the Amish I don't think own high-end bikes right uh but weren't they
telling the stories about how like the kids were like basically pimp out their buggies
like speakers and stuff there's it's that whole Amish culture I'm absolutely
not an expert on it but I did when my mom came out to visit Pennsylvania one year
um we did do an Amish tour and we learned about the Mennonites and the pikers and the old order Amish and the New Order Amish and so I got a little
bit of a more insight into it and rum Springer which is the one week which that's didn't MTV have a show
Breaking Amish Breaking Amish I'm pretty sure it's called pretty Amish so I've heard of that yeah there's
uh it's I I don't have too many positive things to say about it feels a little bit more like religious oppression
that's okay like you said like we said they're not listening yeah I'm kidding have not yeah there's yeah
no I haven't seen any Amish on nice bikes but they do Ride Scooters um big wheeled scooters that have bike
tires on them I'm sure some of them have to have a bike or somebody's yeah
but see that would be more of like a Mennonite or a pike or or a [ __ ] there's like different variations it's
it's not as it's not as simple as meat CI because you said some are like allowed to use like drills and stuff wow
there's there's a thing about the the bishop whatever the bishop says goes right so we we actually went into uh an
old order Amish house that had no electricity run to the whole place um but they had those those like Ryobi
drills with the flashlight attachment all over that place
it was like okay so you can have these Ryobi drilled with the flashlight attachments but you can't have okay like
no yeah we're hooked up to solar we just charge it right out what you know wait no it's very strange and from what I
understood whatever kind of the bishop says goes so and there's different Bishops for sort of different communities in different areas and it's
so interesting I don't know we for sure offended someone by now so let's just yeah go to the next question hopefully not
something we are much more excellent than Xbox yeah yeah which Garmin watch
do you recommend for mountain biking yes you know what would be super clear is if uh Garmin not only offered a range
of running watches but a range of biking watches well they kind of do the same thing but
that's what I'm saying well they say it's like a running watch well like forerunners are they should at least like you know I don't know yeah Garmin I
think I've noticed on garmin's side actually in the last few months they've they've had this sort of watch finder oh she tries to I did see that yeah
um it seems to be works okay the the hard part is that there's just a lot of options and there's a lot of overlap and
um put it this way pretty much whatever garment watch you can buy is going to do what you need it to do and it's going to be awesome and you're gonna like it
however if you really want to dig into the weeds you can figure out all the overlap and all the different models and
then maybe find the exact one that you want so it's like do you want to record all of your bike activities and also
have a touch screen oh then you get the venue do you want to have a little uh do you want to have topo maps then you get
like the high-end Forerunner or the Phoenix series it's like there's all this over it's confusing but yeah so I
always recommended people um the forerunners the forerunners are awesome they're like originally sort of designed for triathletes and multi-sport
but they have all them out by activities built in there that's what both of you guys have right so those are awesome yeah so you have 945 and 955 I think so
then 45. so the high-end forerunners have turbo Maps which is killer if you use topo maps and you care about having
that on your watch that's really nice the lower end forerunners the 545 245 they're less expensive they pretty much
have all the good stuff with 7 45 or now it's the 755 because they've gone up from what we have yeah they don't have
them yeah so it's just like the top end Forerunner has the topo maps and then the phoenixes but yeah I mostly
recommend for people depending on their price point just get a like a forerunner 255 and it's like that's going to record
your activities it's got body battery like all these great features that track your sleep and all that sort of stuff
um and if you want to get bougie then like go to the top end Forerunner or the Phoenix series but I'm a huge Garmin fan
as I discovered Garmin watches and got really knowledgeable and fell in love with them I told everyone at the shop
about them and they're like what is odd that is awesome I'm gonna get one too and I think a lot like almost half of
the company maybe more than
it was also kind of like not so much like hey these are awesome but like your Apple watch sucks
yeah no it's like car wash is way better Apple watch sucks so what do you gotta charge that thing twice a day well we
it is and Apple watch is a cute little iPhone on your wrist a grammar watch is like a purpose-built watch for an outdoors person and or an athlete yeah I
ditched the Apple watch and I got my Garmin watch and I have not looked back since and now anybody with an Apple
Watch I'm like you got to get a Garmin watch yeah so you're the perfect use case right so you had an Apple Watch and you were like oh I can kind of record
Strava sort of on this thing but not really well yeah it got to the point where I was like trying to record a ride
that was basically what it was like more than four or five hours and I was like your watch and my my yeah my watch was
fully charged and didn't even last the whole ride and I was like all right that's that was the yeah it's just not the product for that right yeah so I was
like well now I have a grand watch that I charge once a week and it's amazing yeah which is kind of why Apple tried to
bridge it with that Apple watch Ultra but it's not quite there yet it's closer it's closer for sure if you're a uh
occasional athlete Apple watch Ultra is pretty cool yeah if you also want a little iPhone on your wrist but if
you're like a real athlete you're like actually really trying to track all your metrics and have accurate GPS data and long battery life and all that like you
gotta go Garmin yeah man care about having an iPhone on your wrist yeah yeah yeah I don't I I wouldn't just literally
never want notifications for my iPhone on my wrist that just seems like unbelievably extraordinarily distracting
even though the thing is already too distracting there are some use cases for it like when I was in the beer industry
and like you're doing something you have gloves on chemicals on your hands and like you actually want like just got a
notification you want to see what it is like but you could still do that with the Garment you could do the Garment which is not as like beautiful interface
and a touchscreen but like it's still there it's whatever but like yeah if that's what you want then I get it uh
and like that kind of apple ecosystem compatibility I guess but you know honestly that's one thing I I'm glad I
got away from with the Apple over the Garmin watch is just kind of Disconnect from the Apple crap whatever excuse me
and uh and just like a gopher ride disconnect not get any notifications and just track it yeah yeah
so here we go yeah current garmin's good stuff man yeah yeah I really enjoy those
things so they've made a huge benefit to my life having a good watch to track all my exercise all my sleep yeah all this
stuff it's really cool it's a good product yeah so Forerunner or Phoenix yeah depending on your budget yeah hands
down just look at those two categories or models yeah models and then sub models models sub models Sub sub models
Garmin has all of it Sub sub model oh geez uh before enter Phoenix yeah those are the ones if you're a mountain biker
that's the one yeah yeah if you don't want to watch um and you still want like all the Garmin stuff aside from like the
physiological tracking you can get Garmin bike computers which you used to have a while for a long time Liam right like a lot a lot of people I always had
a Garmin bike computer before this and then I have big ones and small ones and they always crapped out after a couple
months or years and then before I have this I went down the smallest one they ever made for like six months was like
the Garmin 25 or something like that 35 and it displayed my riding time my
elevation and my distance or something like that as simple as could be so anyone to eat and I knew how far I went
yeah but then I got to watch and now I'm sucked in the rabbit hole of the watch game so yeah nice yeah the Garmin bike
computers are cool but in the in the bike computer Market I think Garmin has a lot more competition they do whereas
in the actual uh GPS watch for an athlete Market Garmin has way less
competition like they're kind of you know it's like whoop gets all your physiological stuff but does absolutely nothing for GPS tracking and then Apple
watch does all your Apple stuff but like does absolutely nothing for your you know GPS tracking so it's yeah it's just
a different product yeah makes sense we could have a whole podcast on this but we shouldn't yeah unless Garmin pays us
yeah Carmen if you're willing to pay us we will do a podcast yeah no time for a Garmin ad yeah yeah not doing paid ads
unless garment Pages an obscene amount of money we're not talking like one free watch we're talking like watches for
Life yeah just kidding this whole thing [Laughter]
oh man awesome wow this is an excellent question is it yeah idea
if you were a band of mountain biking superheroes what would your names and superpowers be and who would you who is
your arch nemesis my name would be boosted Benny all right
and my superpower is boosting to the Moon wow and my arch nemesis
would be pinch flat Pat oh wow
what are you looking at me I didn't I didn't pre-think this one I didn't either I just thought of it right
now Liam had this just thought about it I would be uh weightless Jeff I could weightlessly float to the top of every
climb oh my arch nemesis would be heavy Henry good guy
hearts on his bike at all oh that's really good
um you know Liam you said this nickname the other day and it kind of resonated with me and I think my superhero name would
be whiskey Rick
my super power would be to have uh Trail appear in front of me wherever I please
the perfect ribbon of single track or whatever have you
um my arch nemesis could also be pinch flat Pat pinch flat
Pat throughout your day yeah probably give a better one than pinch
flat Pat right now um yeah that's a great question what about thorny Tony oh
thorny and thorny all right moving on let's get out of
this all right I have just purchased a new YT Jeffy oh my God I thought you okay you're
double Dublin yeah I am Dublin let's just say you crashed and your doctor says you can't ride for a few months okay it was me I crashed is there
anything I should do to my bike to have it sit idle for a couple of months the answer is definitely yeah I mean a
lot of people do that just because the off season yeah a lot of people don't ride their mountain bike for months at a time in the off season like what's
happening right now also known as winter yeah I mean what's that first yeah first
I'd probably take all the ceiling out of the tires and just let them like sit there with no ceiling them I'm just
gonna be sick yeah sealant will just like coagulate and turn into a mess and dry and you just enjoy yourself yeah so
just get your ceiling out of there just record it out of there pour it out clean it out yeah
um I mean take care of your suspension seals it's a good time for service so
service your suspension skills do any service that you've been putting off such as rebuilding your dropper post uh
your fork your rear shock headset bottom bracket some fresh tires fresh brake pads yeah take care of all this stuff
before all of that probably just make sure it's like perfectly cleaned and degreased too before you just put it
away for the winter or I guess that's kind of hard to do before you get hurt yeah depending on your injury if you've
got use of your hands or at least one hand you can start work on your bike a little yeah I don't know or take it in
the shop yeah have someone work on it for you make sure it's clean uh do all your little service bits yeah I mean I
think every time I've you know whether it's I guess I didn't really experience like a real off season because I don't live in a place with a heavy winter but
I have experienced some serious injuries and I've always taken that time to sort of reevaluate what's on my bike maybe I
should do brake pads and Seal Service and um maybe I should upgrade those cranks that I've been wanting to and so I know
I've kind of I've always ended up going down that rabbit hole when I've been injured um other really OCD things you can do is
keep your derailleur uh in the smallest Cog right so you don't have as much tension on those Springs you don't just
leave tension on the springs and leave your dropper post up yeah you should always leave your dropper post up smart
good tips yeah those ones are good as far as hanging your bike upside down I don't I don't ever do that I don't think
there's like I don't know how bad it is really it's like probably not it's probably negligible doesn't really matter to like hang your bike upside
down but yeah if there's a benefit or a native yeah if you have bad seals you're gonna leak but yeah yeah or like if your
brakes are poorly bled or if you have air bubbles they'll probably just be exposed at that point yeah I might upside down yeah realistically
if your bike is sitting out long mono breaks maybe you take your take the pads out tomorrow has this like
mystery of things where if you let the bike sit for what three weeks I don't know or more three weeks three months
it's it's Shimano dude it's just like where the where the lever bite point is it's a mystery as well so like yeah yeah
it's all mystery of Shimano it's weird I heard this you haven't heard this this is like an unsolved mystery so if you have Shimano breaks and you let the bike
sit for more than let's say two months yeah uh the brakes will be contaminated whoa they like leak it doesn't it's like
somehow some way some oil comes out of the Pistons and gets onto the pads which
doesn't make wow it's very confusing because then if if you even like pressure test it you can't get oil to
come out of the Pistons like you think okay there must have been oil leaking out of the caliper in the Pistons got on the brake
pads that's what happened when the bike sat for two months but you can't like recreate that but it happens to tons of
people it happened to me literally dozens of times it's super frustrating when people this used to be way more
common when people had downhill bikes and they put them away for the whole winter yeah bring them out for Bike Park season they come in and their Sherman
breaks are squealing wow it's like that's the reason why like they sat for two or three months and
then boom contaminated geez contamination fairy just comes out maybe that's March Nemesis contamination fairy
yeah comes out and just contaminates all the contamination Christopher that is oh
contamination Chris dude get out of here that's wild I I have not heard that but I guess it makes sense and just surfaces
the confusing thing is that's one of those things that like we've just never really been able to properly recreate
and it doesn't happen to all of them it happens to a lot of them and it's like one of those things where some people listen to us will be like oh I know the
people be like oh my God yeah like freak out they're gonna be like it's not BS these guys are well
what certainly told me it was real like it's a real thing on like old Shimano Z Shimano Saint yeah
like the xt's with a silver lever body yeah oh yeah that definitely did it yeah yeah wow yeah it is kind of strange the
more you know but I don't know I think it's tomorrow breaks though it doesn't happen to me oh you're smart of anything one of the reasons I don't what about
your fishing reel pedals I got off them one time oh you're right in times like Times by the way they're like right in
between Shimano and crank yeah yeah nice nice and they look cool
they do look pretty cool I actually went I got time eights first and it's more like a trail pedal because I no they
sent them to me so I was trying them out and then the time 12s is like their Enduro pedal and I actually paid for
those um they're not cheap so I paid I held off to make sure I liked the interface first then once I did I bought
them and they actually worked really well and have a lot of good engagement on the shoes so yeah I'm stoked to them
and I'd love to run Crank Brothers but I just can't get along with them so yeah nice
well all right let's jump the gun on this question so now you can really all right hop in there I'm gonna sink my
teeth into this one I have just purchased a new YT Jeffy core4 and I'm upping the front travel from 150
millimeters to 160 millimeters to experiment I have a fox 38 Factory with 170 millimeters of travel laying around
should I buy the 160 millimeter air spring for the 36 or the 38.
I'd say this kind of depends maybe on the rider's weight if you're over 200 the 38 might actually
have a benefit and give you a little bit more stiffness but if you're not and if you're not a super aggressive Rider
you're probably gonna have a better ride feel at 160 on the 36 than 160 on a 38.
or just yeah for regular trail riding which is like Hard Enduro or aren't you
concerned about weight definitely do the 36 yeah if you're concerned about the stiffness because of your size or riding situation do the 38 I think that Jeff
sees the one 40 rear travel bike I believe so
you know 140 with a 38 up front's a little over unbalanced maybe a little Overkill so I would probably go with the
36 personally yeah I guess it just depends on your intentions too right yeah yeah okay remember yeah rule yeah
we all we can always say it's situational but we also have to give the answer of what we do I I clearly would do the 36 because it's lighter and I
weigh 150 pounds yeah I guess if it is 140 travel like you said Liam then I guess I'd probably do the 36 also
but if it's more than that I'd probably think about doing 38. I already know you do the 36 too yeah I
would yeah I said that before you interjected oh sorry I wasn't paying
attention yeah what a nice guy
all right what is this uh uh some professional woodworker slash engineer
made a modern wooden frame DH frame would you ride it at Whistler bike park
um why not my life
what about what's the Worst That Could Happen didn't Fabio Wimber do that I don't know like riding a grandma bike at
a bike park or something and he did some massive drop on this ancient bike from the 70s or something and it broke in
half and I think he got hurt yeah you're like I think yeah I'm not selling this one I think it blew up like 20 Wheels
trying to film that thing yeah um you know if some like really gnarly engineer and woodworker made a DH frame
probably is gonna be okay for a few runs yeah um you know I don't know at that
point though you're also relying on wood which is not a cons you can't really test the consistency of wood
I'm not risking that I'm not doing that I'd ride around the parking lot do a couple bunny hops be like this is awesome but I'm not riding that they
didn't say what trail they didn't say you had to go send like dirt Merchant on it we're really getting into the Weeds
now I would rather ride bike trail like A-line on it and then go on any sort of
tech Trail you know what okay you can flow so gentle and A-line I'm sure you'd be fine on A-line with a wooden uh I
gotta tell a story because what about one of it you ever seen those wooden rims back in the day like old school
Roadies and like track bikes oh yeah those worked well they didn't seen one blow up yeah probably I mean there's a
lot of different types of wood too so yeah so at one point I think it was Digital Trends which is a pretty
prominent technology media outlet they posted this thing of like world's first
3D printed bike and they had this like little Instagram video and YouTube video of like the whole thing being 3D printed
and assembled and then right at the end it like shows the person getting on it and then like that's the end of the video
do you remember that I remember and I was like oh I'm I just I'm gonna troll this I couldn't help I couldn't help
myself so I like switched my Instagram account to the worldwide Cyclery account I go on there and I comment that I was
like I don't even remember what I said I was something to the tune of like this is unbelievable that you didn't ride the
bike at the end of this and then I reposted it on the worldwide Cyclery Instagram story which like thousands of people saw and then also saw that and
then also trolled it because like real mountain bikers saw it and they're like are you kidding me they're just like
briefly like a Quick Clip right yeah no not at all because clearly it didn't work yeah like if it did they would have
showed him riding it you know and I was like this is unbelievable you can't just like 3D print a bike out of polymer and
then not and then like make a big deal about the headline and then not ride it and I was like I'm gonna get real mountain bikers on this and troll them
and it actually worked it was really funny that was like two or three years but they never they never showed like no because it was like I mean obviously the
biggest fault was there were the hubs like the hubs the hub bearings there's like situations like that the bottom bracket chain yeah so it was like the
entire thing was 3D printed out of polymer so it's like some parts sure will work but other parts just won't
work and clearly that's why you didn't actually ride it and yeah I couldn't I couldn't help myself well the inner 13
year old in me was like I'm gonna go on the worldwide account comments this I gotta do something you get one troll a
year and that was it kind of reminded me which which was way cooler but it kind of reminded me of remember when Toyota I
was ghosted yeah just gonna say that so Toyota made that ad with the it was either Tacoma or Forerunner Tacoma I
believe maybe it was man oh because we just fully kitted out yeah it was like full Motocross here on a
Walmart bike yeah it was like spray painted all flat black people got the logos it was unbelievable it's so viral
and they got made fun of something so viral but then it's like okay did they actually just were ignorant and they
didn't know because they also sponsor mountain bikers like they sponsor the whole Yeti Factory team you know Toyota
does yeah um or were they like I don't think they'd pay to do that and spend money
but like you know it did get shared more in the mountain bike Community yeah because I don't think that was
intentional but you know what I mean though yeah I don't like were they throwing us or were we trolling there totally yeah I don't think I think some
PR firm some marketing firm they hired they just missed the money made a massive mistake had no idea that like
tons of actual mountain bikers own Tacomas myself included and that all
these mountain bikers were gonna be like this is utterly hilarious and reposted and went viral yeah it was so funny it
went viral the mountain bike Community yeah totally it was good that was hilarious I sent that to my buddy who like just got a 4Runner and he reads and
I was just like what's what happened here dude [Laughter]
for that I think they took it all down I think I took it all down yeah no I think I know what I said it was like how come
you didn't tell me that you're in this ad for it oh man it's funny so good uh this this
is a uh this is a hugely long question this next one yeah yeah a little bit of preface well yeah but this is about the
pink bike comments um and the float x2 in particular I don't know how do we summarize this question without having
to read the entire thing all right so if you take pink bike comments as a gospel which he says Pro or they say probably a
bad idea in general yeah that is probably a very bad idea to take Pink by comments as your gospel yeah
um but they're complaining about the reliability of a Fox Flow X2 and it's
now become a joke as if like the yeti dentist joke now it's like a bite comes specked with a float X2 it's like oh
that's gonna blow up it's so pretty much why is that shock so popular if a lot of
people have it and is it truly not reliable um and this question was worded well in
the sense of uh what what is it like lots of people have it so whatever percentage of people with
failures is higher amount than a normal than any other shock he finds it so hard to believe that it's unreliable yet also
so popular yeah which is a good point yeah so I'll just say the Fox Float X2 I
think is probably the best air shock on the market I think as the most
adjustment it's probably the best riding for aggressive Enduro riding or downhill riding
um that being said I think it probably lasts right around the service interval and then it kind of
starts yeah not any longer yeah yeah do you think that there's been a abnormally high amount of warranties on them I
don't do warranties so I don't really have my finger on that right now this is where this and a lot of other things get
kind of challenging in the bike industry is that it like if you were to look at this from a scientific perspective you'd
say like well only Fox knows and they're not gonna ever tell anyone this especially as a publicly traded company but like realistically they need to say
hey we produced X number of these and Y percentage had warranty issues where
they won't do that and so we literally have no idea if they produced 5000 or 50 000. yeah I don't really know I can
guess how many they made but Fox it's Global that shock shipped on a lot of bikes yeah so like is the is if it's a
one percent warranty rate which is totally acceptable and reasonable for a suspension products such as that if
they've shipped 50 000 of them one percent no big deal it's a good shock but
if it's like 15 then that's not acceptable and no wonder people are freaking out so it's a challenging thing
to figure out and I know that Chuck just recently on the yeti it was so it was fantastic I have one on my Crestline
um to me I think there's another line between failures and warranty as to
ridden really hard right um and you're at your service interval quicker than you think yeah uh which I
think is a probably a lot more common with this shock because it's specked on aggressive bikes yeah it's not spec on
your cross country bike right that's what I was going to say is I think that high level of people having these
experiences is is based on that like they're coming on aggressive bikes
um you know people are riding them hard and they're not servicing them like as soon
as they probably should be that's standing allergic to it and there's even more to it which you know we're gonna get down the weeds but like it also
shocks kind of last depending on how uh turned in your compression and rebound is
so you have to push oil through shim Stacks or um ports right so if you have
those more closed off it's actually forcing the shock to basically work harder yeah and therefore I'm still
gonna wear out quick so it's there's so many variables going into this you ride or wait too like
your terrain yeah there's so much stuff I would end it with fox has always stood
behind their products they have a great warranty situation if you buy from unauthorized Fox dealer then you'll be
able to warranty it if there's an issue um and service it at the right time yep exactly like don't avoid that shock just
because people on Pink by comments like to be controlled and viral and they can't afford it that's why they comment
well yeah oh that's like one quick moment of a
break before the next question oh meow meow Jared owns a cat how's your cat
dude do you like your cat she's great she's probably been chilling sleeping all day can't wait for me to get home
she loves it when I get home do you zukako by being Erickson did you give her your last name she's got the
dash or The Hyphen right now but uh yeah she's currently Sail on Erickson Ceylon Erickson yeah
yeah she gets compliments on The Hyphen that's right a movie I don't know if you've probably seen it but nope
over my head right over my head speaking of which all right one quick last
question and then we out of here how clean should my bike be when I drop it
in first service spotless brand new shouldn't have a speck of dust on it okay I no that was sarcastic
I kind of agree that your bike should be clean if you're gonna take it in for
service however uh if you don't have the proper equipment to clean it uh or you're
literally paying for a clean or service at all yeah well if you're paying for the clean then bring it in and ask them
to clean it and pay for the clean and like then they're like yeah great we're like we'll happily clean your bike yeah so I recall uh back when I was working
on a lot of people's bikes as a more traditional mechanic in a shop uh it it
was more convenient to me for them to bring the bike in dirty and then say yeah obviously I'm going to pay for a
clean and then can you do my XYZ service like that was convenient because then I could clean the bike I knew it was done
properly I knew what was I knew what I did yeah I knew if I degreased or didn't degrease or whatever so like as long but
what was annoying is when people were bringing dirty bikes and they'd be like well can you just true the wheels even
though they're covered in mud but like I'm not paying for it clean that's that's the problem don't bring in
a dirty bike and not pay for clean either a clean the bike before you bring it for service or B bring it in and make
it obvious like I would love to pay for a clean and then have you do the service there'll be anyone will be happy to clean your bike for you if you pay for
it they won't be happy if you try and skimp out on the cost of a bike wash and
then ask them to work on your dirty bike like that's the only uncool yeah I think in California I've told all the location
to do this but I don't know how much they enforce it but if it customer brings in a bike that's like obviously
kind of too dirty to work on we just tell them hey we're gonna wash your bike it's whatever 20 or 25 dollars you know
I don't know what it is but like a good solid clean like that's what we offer full wash you know scrub everything
professionally done you know air compress it off all the nooks and crannies um that being said as a mechanic it's
also nice to clean a bike because you get to see little stuff that you might not have noticed like you know
something's loose or this doesn't feel right or this isn't spinning you know properly so as you kind of watch the
bike it's kind of like a first check almost of um stuff to look at too so yeah you might get a better tune-up by
having them wash your bike or something's more worn perhaps then it looked like when it was dirty you're covered in mud or like a bike wash also
means a bike inspection yeah that's true yep thorough so I mean anything is acceptable just
the only unacceptable thing is to waltz in with the dirty bike and try and be like well I don't know it doesn't need
to clean but you can you still do X Y and Z like you install a brand new drivetrain on it yeah
the bike is covered in a mug and you've got dog poo on the tire and also like
I don't know if you wash your bike and you don't really have like scrubbers or I mean I don't really wash the bike
without an air compressor I try not to unless I'm like in the middle of nowhere traveling um because that makes a big difference
too get all in the water out of the nooks and crannies and bolts and stuff so you know maybe you don't have the
equipment to do a proper bike wash so yeah have have a professional do it have
a professional do it yeah yeah as long as you trust the professionalism of your local bike mechanic yeah true
otherwise you can become a bike mechanic yourself because it's not super hard yeah hey man
most things are not that hard no they're not it's not like it's not like working on a car that's actually easier I think
yeah for the most part until you get into like deep engine stuff and electrical yeah then you need like really I don't know man specifically
whatever I've changed the oil on my car and it's a lot harder than like anything on my bike no way no way changing the
oil in your car is not harder than flushing a brake fluid and doing a proper brake boost it's just more intimidating but it's the same thing
you're just loose you're really removing one bolt to drain the oil
I can just throw a towel under there and shimmy under there and yeah when I
worked at Ford and they showed me how to bleed brakes I was like wait that's it and they're like yeah what do you mean that's it I'm like well I hook up
syringes and I vacuum and I push and I do and close off this one and I open up this one and they're harder and I was
like this is cake dude this is a gravity bleed from Shimano that I learned like when I was 12. yeah you know like no
problem I got this so some stuff is much easier on a car yeah and bikes also have much more of like a finesse touch or
cars you can kind of be like a big you know strong hat you know campus that yeah brake pad in there totally yeah but
yeah like a nice bike stand and a some nice set of bike tools is a lot cheaper
than like a full-on lift stand for your car very true semantics semantics
what do you mean you don't down I don't have lift it on I do fits right in my
apartment garage yeah all right well last but not least or as
Jared would like to say at least but not last uh if you've listened this far we
thank you we love you we genuinely appreciate it if you're watching this on YouTube please hit subscribe please drop
a comment and leave another question for us to potentially ask answer yeah in the next podcast but most importantly if
you're listening to this on Apple podcast or Spotify podcasts if you could leave a review it genuinely helps our podcast and helps us and it's just a
it's a nice little way for you to say thank you for uh telling me about mountain bike things for an hour and
we'll give you a 15 credit oh yeah I missed that part I did you forgot that's
right what was his incentive there we were we're gonna You're Gonna Leave Her review no there's there's specifications
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podcast and uh Jared will give you 15 bucks off a worldwide
Cyclery order so you can grab yourself actually a lot of things yeah if anything hypothetically because there is
no order minimum for that fifteen dollars well it's just it's still 15 off
though yes yeah so like you can't get anything with the you can get 15 off oh that's true you might have to pay for
shipping if whatever you're buying is whiskey whiskey Rick is sad too many whiskey Rick's on his fourth whiskey oh
geez who's counting thank you very much for listening this far we genuinely appreciate it and we
will talk to you guys in the next one which won't be long because we are doing these a lot more frequently in 2023
something we care about and we want to do for you guys since a million people have asked us so we're on it answering
your questions helping mountain bikers yes thank you and we enjoy tonight yep love you cheerio

February 21, 2023

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