Today on the podcast, the guys discuss some epic recent trips and rides before recapping the latest Worldwide Cyclery videos and reviews that we've put out lately. Next we jump into some classic listener questions ranging from what kind of extra bike should you get to geometry adjustments, adapting to newer bikes, riding trail bikes in the bike park and everything in between. Tune in!
Tasmania Trip:
Whistler Trip:
Worldwide Cyclery YouTube Channel
Submit any and all questions to
ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode 149 of the MTB podcast presented and
hosted by worldwide cycy Ketl mountain and Trail one components Jeff wanted me
to do that yeah I am Jared I Liam and I am Trevor that is right ladies and
Gentlemen The Three Amigos today Jeff is at the Pennsylvania shop for a week uh before he goes on snowboard
vacation so good for him doing Jeff things doing Jeff things and as he should yeah it's uh it's been a while
since our last podcast we that's right we've been delayed couple two weeks a few power outages yeah two it's been
hectic here very hectic you know as many of you may know we uh had quite the Wildfire uh off season in Southern
California it was a short one but it was a intense one short intense and so um
unfortunately when the winds get really high as they have been Edison will shut the power off to our shop and they do it
frequently so they've done it the last like two or three weeks now yep and but thankfully winds have died down that's
pretty cool and uh we're back in the we're back in the shop back in Action we got snow at 3500 ft over the weekend
craziness it went from fire horrible fires and just Next Level wind to rain
snow snow did did you guys see Ventura had snow you see that on Instagram I saw I saw that crazy insan that's Beach wild
insane but in this episode of the podcast we will discuss some recent epic
rides some several sweet new bikes and excellent listener questions range from extra bikes to upgrading drivetrain
components training and everything in between pretty legit everything let's
get into everything in between let's get into it Zach's words of wisdom he was actually out sick today and you know
didn't really want to bug him on a sick day so I felt like this is something that Zach would say oh so these are
Zach's assumed were is Zach's assumed were zo isms a ride a day keeps the
doctor away you feel like I feel like that's something he would say it's fitting too because he's sick so yeah I
mean Zach is the one guy who does ride every single day he he commutes to work and rides on the weekend but yeah he was
snowboarding this past uh past week and he got sick sick yep you know and that
happens right you're out in the cold all day long for a few days you're traveling your immune systems comprom too many
appol sprits little too much for you know hey that happens man you know you just have such
a good time your body needs to take some time to recover and speaking of uh
recovering drafts are 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning Than
People checks out yeah that's pretty interesting I mean they're not 30 times taller that's what I was going to say
have you guys ever stood next to a draff no have you no I mean probably as a kid at a zoo but yeah I'm just curious like
how tall how tall is a giraffe I saw a video is a giraff of a guy doing a
giraffe Chiropractics he was cracking the neck of a giraffe I thought that was pretty cool did he have a ladder he was
up like on a second story of building the giraffe was really happy it was cute um but yeah that is interesting
30 times more likely you know I guess electrical conductivity is not my uh Forte but it makes sense fantastic
testimonials hi my name is Lily and I am the random chick who hollered at Jeff as I was driving away from the Old Fort
endurance race founder I rode the 12-hour bike race and I just wanted to say that I appreciate your work both
worldwide cyc Kettle and MTV podcast thank you for giving back to the trails and supporting events like the old Fort
race it means a lot to many people I'm the women's chapter lead with soldiers on single track veterans nonprofit
organization that gets vets on bikes for recreational therapy as well as an ambassador with the dirt therapy project
I will admit the Instagram just in case say you want to be a little more private um but happy trails Lily thought that
was pretty awesome that you found us on the podcast and emailed in we said that last pod right yes exactly yeah super
awesome pretty cool pretty cool and thank you Lily for uh reaching out and saying what's up and saying what's up to
these guys when they're in North Carolina thought that pretty cool and contributing to our female listenership that's right that's right speaking of
which soon will be in double jit I think we already aream because we had a few
ladies email in after the last one yes and saying hey we are not alone there are more of us than you think yeah
Shelly included she said listen I I could be the president of your fan club number one that's what she said Michelle
said there are Legions of female fans out there nice yes Legions Legions and they all enjoy the podcast which is
awesome so thank you guys for listening we love it we appreciate it yes thank you girls and she said every else stop
saying guys yeah I know it's a just like a it's a figure speech California like
what's up guys hey dude you know bro what's up man I no would say hey what's up bro but you say like if it's like a
universal hey guys what's up guys my girlfriend says calls me a dude all the time so well you are a dude man I know
but um one thing that also uh you know speaking of our previous episode I
mistakenly or not so mistakenly refer to Christmas trees having leaves but it turns out I was actually correct uh our
buddy Kevin said that yes pine needles are in fact leaves they are early predecessors of
today's broadleaf leaves but leaves nonetheless so thank you Kevin wow and also our buddy Ted X Games Ted X Games
Ted what up X Games Ted gentlemen love the pot entertaining informative and despite your best efforts quite
professional as you know when I am not out shredding the side hits on my local Trails I own and operate a residential landscape design built from here in
Pennsylvania and it is in my capacity that I write to you today in episode 148 the subject of Christmas trees came up
and we learned that Jared once worked Christmas tree stand where he became knowledgeable in the various types of trees specifically the Douglas fur
discing during this discussion he referred to the needles of a Christmas tree as leaves and was promptly laughed at and ridiculed did we we yes this was
true I don't even remember I am here in my professional capacity to tell you that Jared is correct all caps the
needles of pine coniferous trees are in fact leaves they perform the same functions of photosynthesis and
respiration just as the leaves do on regular trees oh I won't go into the rest of the scientific details about it
but it is pretty cool you know you don't think of that but basically I was right wow thanks X
Ted Jared's head is now too big to fit out of the door today also anyways thanks for great
episodes see you in Tasmania see you in tasmania's going that's what I'm talking about sick super stoked for that
speaking of Tasmania perfect segue there I think there are two spots left only so
we will put a link in the show notes for that as well as the Whistler trip yes so
if you want to come ride with me Jared Jeff and X Games Ted that's right uh
we'll be in T Mania shredding it's like seven days of riding right yeah uh something like that I just sent Jared an
Instagram video of some of the trails were going to ride in Derby and they look so sick it looks really sick Remy
was Remy uh Morton was there that's pretty rad so sick maybe they'll letuce on the old Hardline track but probably
not jar you have no business on Old Hardline track yeah no that's what I was just gonna say yeah
no um yeah we were super stoked for that trip I totally had a train of thought and it was derailed but we're super
stoked um I think I was going to say something about I don't even know anyways well what kind of uh bikes and
rides have you been enjoying lately that's a great question Liam um I actually was just on a little road trip
up to Santa Cruz over the weekend which was absolutely I didn't know you're going I know um yeah you know Andre just
hit me up CU he's going on the Tasmania trip so he's like I need to do a trip to like tune up my skills and like get used
to some rly writing that's just not like you know so Cal and I was like fair enough twist my arm let's go um so yeah
we got a couple homies up there that he went to school with he went to uh you know he went to UC Santa Cruz oh he did so um so he's got some homies that just
still work up there in the bike industry super cool um so we got to meet up with them and ride some super sweet stuff get
some lers in could say that how how was the absolutely perfect perfect like no
slipp itust like just when you go underneath the first top soil and it's like perfect
hereo dirt like super steep stuff I mean oh my God I want to get there next few
weeks and and there was just like the perfect level of moisture on the trails that were like Smooth where it was like
a skate park it was just like yep it's awesome I'm going you guys got to go y
it's super good um and yeah we camped over at New Brighton State Beach super cool Campground right there on the beach
so kind of removed from like downtown Santa Cruz but yeah still very uh very much so local we also rode so demo
Forest Braille was pretty sick mhm we kind of you only did a bra yeah we only did Braille cuz we kind of got there
like we drove up and drove straight there so we we last Light kind of deal
last Light kind of deal um but that was super sick I mean can you ever really get enough of Santa
Cruz I mean on a bike I don't think so not really maybe if you live there but not for us especially when the dirt's
good too like we we haven't had good dirt here in since yesterday but
um before then it's been like a year so probably cool to get we got like two
days around Thanksgiving that we're good yeah but that was it and that was like basically forever ago yeah but uh that
was pretty much my most exciting local rides what about you guys what about you Trevor oh man to be honest with you I've
been riding dirt bikes lately hasn't really been mountain bikes but um I will say after coming off a dirt bike it's
crazy what riding a mountain bike feels like everything kind of feels way easier cuz your just rate of speed is much
higher on the dirt bike um but that's been fun lately and this morning I got to go on a ride cuz it has did rain the
past two days so I got to ride uh some local sand Trails after the rain on the
ebike and that was uh pretty special to get some traction again and no dust and
oh it's the best can't get enough of that that's what I'm talking about what about you li uh I've been been riding
the little bike quite a lot it's kind of my only mountain bike right now so you built a new bike yeah I have a sp120
yeah I don't know if you mentioned that last time maybe maybe not maybe maybe not yeah SW frame swaped my ASR just to
sp120 so basically same thing but yeah little stiffer a little more suited for like probably I'd say like the bulk of
the trails that I want to ride where like the ASR is sick but I feel like I'm overriding it more than I'm riding it
perfectly where the SP sp120 I feel like I'm just under ring it a little bit and then riding it kind of How It's Made
most of the time yeah so that's a fair assessment yeah um just a little stiffer when you're like pushing in the some
proper downhills and yeah I'm not really racing that much XC this year so yeah
that makes sense yeah lately like the weather has not really been appropriate for riding it's uh really the last three
weeks have been crazy windy and super wind with the fires fire the fires in uh
Santa Monica and and in uh all the way into TOA kind of like nuked some of our
trails that we like to ride um so that's been off limits of course and a lot of some Trails got bulldozed from a tractor
just driving up the face of a mountain trying to clear fire break which is crazy to see so that's all got to get
rebuilt so um yeah it's been a little bit interesting locally here but now we've got rain so it's good yeah
hopefully it's good we can get back to doing some trail work in those sections soon and uh revive some Trails I've been
running quite a bit too just because of the wind it's like well I don't really want to go pedal on a headwinds that's
like 40 m 40 50 miles hour yeah the wind's been Savage I'll just go run like running in the wind's way more enjoyable
than riding in the wind so yeah for sure same with the rain too I'm sure like running in the rain is kind of fun actually yeah I I did run in the rain on
Sunday it was fine yeah every time I would like you know be like okay I'm going for a ride tomorrow like I'm
sticking to my guns and then I'd like look out the window and it's windy and I'm like I'm still going to ride man I don't care I'm and then I go out there
and I'm like why the hell did I do this like this is so stupid did I did it like two times and I tried to pick a route
where it's like I really only feel the wind getting out like out of syamore you get in little pockets where got be smart
about it yeah so like I still got in some pedals I just like rode my hard tail and rode straight fire roads though
yeah cuz even like dropping in a sycamore on the backside you're on that sketchy Ridge oh yeah with a 50 mph gust
you're off the ridge yeah I will say that like um for some of the trails that did get burned
for people who don't normally get fires like we do um sometimes yeah the trail is like gone but sometimes the trail is
actually really good um once the area is open of course like I got to ride a
trail that was or Zone that was by my house that got burned down real quick and yeah the single track was ripping
there was no overgrowth at all because the bushes were completely gone yeah and there's you can you have your line of
sight is really good and it's kind of kind of a cool experience just feel like you're on mars or something riding bikes
and um yeah sometimes it can be a good thing but um sometimes not so much obviously there's a lot of houses and
and that stuff that burn but yeah that one fire near your house didn't burn anything didn't burn any structures and
completely opened up legal to ride there again so I got check that out cuz yeah it was pretty close to my house and um
that was cool yeah Thea and Palisades fire obviously was a travesty so yeah um
hopefully they can rebuild that stuff soon yeah yeah seriously total shame um you know thankfully we're safe
and uh you know hopefully everybody who was affected by the fire you know you're getting along okay um you know shout out
but speaking of other things in California we are actually hiring a
media person for the media team if you're a videographer editor you passionate about mountain bikes hit us
up send your email application resume whatever you want to call it podcast at email uh oh my goil podcast
podcast worldwid um yeah so we're looking to expand our team a little bit
and you know continue cranking out the content um and all that good stuff so you know or if you know somebody who
would be a great fit send that to them as well come work with us maybe you'll edit these videos maybe you'll edit
these videos we're a lighthearted Bunch it's fun yeah I think we're pretty cool uh speaking of cool
things Liam we got a new bike brand on we got a new bike brand we got a new
bike brand called stinner stinner Frameworks tell us a little bit about them stinner Frameworks um it's a
handmade uh bicycle company from Santa Barbara California so just an hour up
the road from us um I've been friends with them and big fan of their work for a long time and
they have previously only really done custom bikes so you hit them up get custom Geo custom paint the whole works
you know a lot of road bikes gravel bikes and some hard Tails um now they
came out with uh it's launched already The Sinner select line which is a steel
bike still handmade in Santa Barbara however they've uh been able to streamline the processes
um use a couple like get some like parts that work across all the boards like dropouts and head tubes and everything
um so that they can basically reduce the price down so you get stock Geo stock paint but you still get a handmade bike
um the price is quite affordable for what you get if you've never ridden a handmade bike like it's a completely
different experience than riding uh either a you know like a lot of people associate steel with like an entry-level
bike M and that's cuz usually a steel bike you first ride is an entry-level bike however you get a nice steel with
like good tubing handmade um it rides insane it's so much different especially
if you come from like a carbon bike which carbon bikes are amazing there's nothing wrong with any of them but it's
just a different ride experience you know it's like I don't even know how to say it it's like way more steal is real
it's like way more riding a couch so they have a road bike and a uh gravel
bike right now in the steel series and then soon launching um is the podium
series which will be the same basically same idea but titanium in rod and gravel
wow and in the future I don't know exactly when that is but they will also be launching the same thing with the
hard tail so they have the steel and titanium stock hard Tails which will also be sweet so um yeah super stoked
for to have them um have them as a dealer it's cool to have a bike Rand that's basically made up the road from
us yeah um it's just a little bit different unique offering that I think you
know there's a niche for and yeah I just uh we just sold one today really yeah
sick wow sick so yeah honestly I'm a huge fan of the way they look and I'm sure they ride super good I like how
steel bikes ride yeah I'll be getting a custom hard tail down the
road that's what I'm talking about titanium yeah titanium nice so are you
doing like having them do the goo and like fully custom I did the goo you don't he did the Geo come on you did the
I just look at Geo charts all the time well and like so it's like basically what I'm trying to say is like it's custom fit for you wow that's cool yeah
that's really sick so yeah you have the option to that through us as well if you wanted custom but the the main part that
we're going to be selling is these kind of stockish ready-made bikes that are still handmade and still offer a really
cool ride feature and like a you know made in California bike if that means anything to you made in the US if that
means anything to you so that's really cool yeah do you know where they get the steel um it's sourced all yeah um I I
had like a very deep conversation with them and most materials are still Source from overseas that's just all of
titanium I guess 100% of titanium basically comes from China really for the world I guess they said there's some
that comes out of Canada I believe he said but like not that much the rest of it all comes out of China so interesting
h anything that's us made but titanium well it was sourced outside the US but that's the way the world right that's
the way things are yeah I mean if we don't have titanium deposits exactly you can't pick where your materials come
from yeah so super cool yeah but yeah it's super cool so check out the brand page on the site and uh yeah we'll just
be updating that as they kind of release more of these models as they come keep coming so yeah sick that's super cool
nice speaking of new things uh Trevor you did a review recently on Mitchell and I did yes the
wild wild Enduro the Ms and the MH and the uh the rear um Enduro tires they
have sick and yeah spent a couple months on those and went to went to Whistler like local Trails went to uh to Phoenix
and Tucson and those too and yeah super impressed go check out my review if you want to and um yeah I'm going to keep
running those tires still got some and yeah pretty stoked in those they they held up super super well for the abuse I
put him through had no issues and I'm pretty good about getting uh issues with
tires so that's that's saying a lot I think five minutes in a dow B this year go I'm going to take it easy huge flat
oh my God so um yeah I wasn't light wasn't light on them at all and treated them normally and held up super well
pretty pretty St on impressed with Lindor line um I also didn't have any
flats and I literally rode them into anything that's impressive yeah when I was in Phoenix I was at my mom's house
and was riding there for about a week and I was doing a little experiment about how low of PSI I could go to and
so I set him as I always do like 28 24 or so and then just every day I rode
just didn't check the tire pressure and it would go down a little bit a little bit a little bit overnight each day and
to the point where it was starting to squirm but yeah no Rim dings no Flats no pinch Flats tons of traction obviously
yeah um so that was kind of cool that's super impressive a solid casing on there yeah especially just like in that wide
range of environments too I mean like the super Rocky stuff in Arizona and then you have Whistler I mean obviously
that's Beast for itself yeah but like yeah that's that's pretty legit and they don't wear fast yeah I was impressed by
that specifically cuz the rubber is actually super soft but like if you were to put on like a Maxis Max Max grip tire
in the rear especially at Whistler it's done in like a day yeah so the way we I
I had Max at whist huh I think so I think my rear is roached MHM wow so it was super solid and held up to the uh
g-forces that aine and um dirt Merchant gives yeah that's pretty pretty sweet
that's sick yeah I have a couple of those tires I cannot wait to try as well I'm just waiting for the right time I
mean I guess I might as well throw them on there cu no no time is better than the present right uh yeah I mean that's
that's saying something if they have a nice combination of like durability and grip like that's super hard to find that
perfect balance cuz like you got get a ice skate of a tire or you get like Max grip that roaches itself yeah it's it's
frustrating if you if you are like yeah of course paying for your own tires and of course you want the the most grip
possible but when you're paying 100 plus 100 plus dollars for a tire and it lasts you a couple rides that's not very fun
yeah another cool thing about the Michelin tires I think is that they have a stealth logo option yeah so if you
want uh basically stealth logos you don't want a yellow Maxis a orange Cony a the other Miss are like blue and
yellow which is a little loud they got stealth option that's nice pretty cool Nobody Does that no yeah except for WTV
but they're all like all stealth they're all stealth yeah that's true that is cool it did I was running the the yellow and blue logos and it did match my bike
pretty well cuz I was wearing those Forge and bond Wheels with the blue logo and then the Forbidden Druid V2 black
and kind of yellow logo colorway so it kind of matched perfectly I thought it looked kind of sick yeah sick that's
pretty cool you don't hear like I don't know you had Brandy tire no obviously not Brandy TI michelin's been around forever but uh kind of relatively new
lineup in the bike space the wild I mean they totally red it last year last year yeah yeah that's pretty sick and you
went out to what like North Carolina or South Carolina and Rod those that's pretty cool yeah I'm gonna have to try
those out and then I'll tell you guys how I liked them what does Jared think I'm probably going to like mean
nothing that's right no I'm just kidding you guys have a lot of uh you know I
don't know what the word I'm looking for is integrity you know you have your opinion matters thanks man yeah you're
welcome um speaking of opinions the best of 2024 video that I mean I don't even
know it took like two or three months to get this out the door but it finally went live today big video big video I mean it's over an hour it's like it's
our documentary it is documentary film it's uh actually going to Sundance uh
for you know for everybody to judge it but we're stoked on that um and if you watch
that thank you so much we really appreciate it and if you haven't you should go watch it and we put a lot of work into it so yeah yeah shout out to
Louie shout out L
dog um yeah that was a monster I mean 100 plus products and it was it took
forever so that was pretty sick um even put it on the background go do something to watch the whole thing I mean come on
that's crazy I mean if if you do props yeah if you if you're going to like watch that video like do some like
stretching or something or rolling out just have it have it have it on the screen in your room and then do
something to like occupy your time while you're listening and you're like oh look that product is new that's a cool product like learn something too but
that's a great tip um don't just like sit down and watch I mean your you know your your significant other is going to
hate you if you like be like hey you want to watch something tonight babe yeah yeah I got this really cool hourong
video about bike parts like bab we just watched an an hourong ad yeah
basically yeah I don't know if if you and your significant other are super into bikes out that could be that could
be a super cool video to watch it could be super cool video bonding time for you guys to check out maybe we'll hit up a
quick listener question before the break huh I am looking at getting an extra
bike to leave at my mom's house to save me from having to Lug it several hours to visit her I would use it for some
bike park Thunder Mountain Bike Park in western Mass and fcal Trail I don't want to break the bank since it'll be mostly idle at her house I'm
thinking of a 5 to 7-year-old Enduro bike similar go2 modern trail bike but with extra travel to handle the bike park likely extra weight from a modern
trail bike would I just suck it up while I pedal is my logic sound or am I missing something thanks love the show
this is my kind of problem he's getting an extra bike to keep somewhere so he
doesn't have to bring his bike there you know I the perfect bike that came to my head was
sp15 that would be a good one couple years old couple years a good deal on it exactly um yeah probably get a sick one
for probably not that much money on I was going to say right now it is a really good time to buy a used bike yeah
especially if you're not looking for like something with transmission and you know baller stuff like you want a Middle
Line Used Bike you could probably get a three-year-old bike yeah like a 2020 2021 for a steel right now that's what I
was going to say too I mean I sold my rail 29 for kind of hurt how much I sold it for
but there's good good bikes out there for good pricing right now yeah if you if you if you look on the interwebs F or
hard enough uh you can find a deal out there that you can get a sweet bike for not that much money so I would I would
check that out I think five to seveny Old like yeah you could get one for nothing yeah but you i' say I'd say look
for like a three to four like 2020 or newer even like specialized inur you get like a modern a modern bike fairly
modern bike pretty cheap I'm I'm sure you could actually find like a 21 Enduro GX components for under three
grand yeah for sure for sure yeah yeah or even sp150 right or or whatever right 150 around there um yeah something
something around those lines you'll find it uh check slash would be a good one the old one the non-h high pivot that
would be a sweet bike for you could probably find one for like three grand so yeah or like what's that transition to patrol yeah or uh no Sentinel I go
Sentinel or Spire but again you find a a couple year old one for good or you could have it your one chance to get a
downhill bike and get an old downhill bike he wants Tri Trails too okay yeah but I like what your heads at Trevor cuz
you could probably find a sick downhill bike and shred it at that Thunder Mountain be awesome yeah it' be really
sick maybe I need to do that maybe you need to do that I've honestly been waned to go ride those East Coast bike parks
for so long but it's like it's such a mes for you know passing up a bunch of
riding too but not to say it's it's on The Bucket List got to do it at some point um well sick I guess we'll take a
quick break and then we'll uh jump back in and now a word from our sponsor oh yeah and now a word from our sponsors
Jeff again you guys all got a good funny ad last podcast so this time I'm just
going to give you a real one and say thank you 2024 was a crazy tumultuous
and to be honest just really bad year for the bicycle industry and worldwide Cyclery struggled through it and
survived somehow thank thank you to all of you who supported us and especially thank you to those who supported our
other brands Kettle Mountain apparel and Trail one components your guys' support listenership and purchases make us happy
and survive and uh yeah we love it I don't know what else to say thank you and have a good New Year and now back to
the Show part two we're back listener questions my wife and I are doing the
New Zealand mountain bike rally next year and we're looking for tips on training if you're unfamiliar it's a
Six-Day under race in the Nelson area of New Zealand the website says the daily stats are roughly 4 to S stages 800 to
2700t of climbing and 6600 to 10,000 ft of descent wow that might be meters uh I
don't know you know those those kiwis they like to mix up their units like the Canadians we also get a few helicopter
fery and shuttle lifts throughout the week we live in Dallas Texas and race often uh Enduro around Texas Oklahoma
and Arkansas we've done two-day events before but nothing like this listening to the podcast I know yall have done
several Adventures that are similar to this do you have any suggestions on how to prepare for an event like this living
in DFW we're limited on our exposure to ascending SL descending we're currently following an Enduro plan on trainer road
but it's not really geared towards this type of event our goal is to get as much saddle time and Miles as possible any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated we also wouldn't turn down any sponsor offers from worldwide a kettle or Trail
one winky face oh oo yeah that sounds like a great time I could see you you
know it does sound fun is that what I don't know if that's what did Brother he won that yeah and Colby
did quite well um that's awesome it seems like a lot of riding seems like a lot of descending lot of descending lot
descending um I mean if you're already on an endural training plan from trainer
Road I'm sure you're in a very good spot like heading down the right path yeah like physically physically yeah yeah um
is trainer Road just going to be like riding though or is it going to be actually like working out as well I don't know if the incorpor strength
training or not cuz if I were if I was doing that much descending I would incorporate some strength training I would absolutely bring in strength
training um at least two times a week and yeah yeah depending on your time and
and hours if I don't know what that Enduro training plan looks like from trainer trainer Road um but I definitely
make sure you're getting in some good training um some grip strength training M uh some core stuff like that um and
then yeah just get your butt on the bike as much as possible going up and downhill yeah and try to ride like
you're doing six days in a row try to do a a Friday Saturday Sunday Monday like try to try to get the Friday afternoon
Saturday Sunday and then Monday again like morning or afternoon if you can and get that like block of riding to where
your butt's going to get used to hitting the seat every single day your body's going to get used to it like after that
3 4 day Mark like your body definitely adapts like okay oh yeah we're doing this again yeah okay cool and then like
it starts coming too but it's that I feel like that three-day on day three is like the hardest one to get going and
motivated for you get past that one and then it kind of you're like yep all right this another day same you know
same stuff we're going yeah well said L I've got experience doing the um transer
Norte in Waka and that was a wasn't a six day race it was I think it was a
4-day race but we did like 21 stages and for me my biggest issue was grip
strength and holding on to the bike for a long stage and it looks like there's going to be some pretty long stages in
there um I would guess and my mistake was the months leading up to that I spent far too much time on the road bike
um like I was really getting after on the on the Roadie and was feeling super good on that which does not translate to
descending your bike for 30 minutes um at all so I was um grossly mistaken with that I should have not sure ride the
road bike a little bit Yeah once a week ride the mountain bike more but um I should have really been hitting the gym
which would have helped so much more so if I were um you know your wife and you
I would hit the gym right like Liam said like on the weekend and then plus some
if you can and just uh yeah that's all you really can do yeah make sure you have the proper bike equipment too like
make sure your grips are good I would get some Hellgate grips for that for sure get some big rotors get some good
tires and have fun yeah definitely maybe I mean you know you're in Texas but a
lot of people in Texas go up to Colorado for riding I mean you could get in a couple of like big days or even like you know bike park that's obviously not the
time of year for that but um you know just to get like a ton of descending under your belt right and like your body
used to I don't know just that kind of thrash I don't I think that actually they might have sent this in in 2024 I
don't know you might know they said next year but yeah if that wasn't sent in 2024 I'm pretty sure that was like a
March thing okay well then like a like a yeah February March deal so they might
not have time to get to Colorado or the ability with snow but that's true it isn't um so yeah you're right anywhere
though I don't know how far like northern Mexico is but some of that stuff could be good just get as much
riding as you can really um and as much descending but yeah I think strength training and grip strength is huge
whenever I got a Whistler for the first time I think two years ago when I went I had like literally been racing XC All
Season hit the big bike like two or three times went to Whistler my arms just fell apart like they were so done
as they will right yeah but they will this year when we went I was riding it way more and they still fell apart yeah
I was but I was clapped yeah hands bruised the touch my forarms were
inflamed yeah that's crazy yeah it look like popey literally yeah I for these
people I would also like yeah make sure your braks are as good as possible that's really going to save you so much
more than anything out there make sure your brakes are good and make sure your forearms and hands are ready for the
abuse cuz they're going to be abused for six days riding in a row powerful brakes means you squeeze less hard and you
don't squeeze as often and that'll relieve tension and you know your muscles on your forearms in your hand
especially over six days worth of riding add up it's gonna make a huge difference yeah totally I mean yeah another thing
is obviously like recovering right like you have to put in time like intentionally to you know stretch and
roll out whatever like take care of your body cuz like you'll fall apart you'll hurt you know um and you won't even be
want to be on your bike if you're not you know recovering properly but a lot of people don't think about that they just like go ride and then you know I'm
just going to go to bed and wake up and do it again like after like a couple days like you know you'll feel that real bad definitely definitely sweet Liam how
about you read that next question it'sing you yep Liam I'm talking to you what are your main tips on how to build
a stupid strong wheel and what brands do you recommend I'm 62200 run K kushor of DH casing look for a Dependable
Dependable wheel set for seasons of rough DH riding that's a hard one
hard like I don't know um sometimes I think of rough DH riding like a I I
personally would go immediately towards DT Swiss I go 350 Hub DT Swiss ex or no
FR 541 Rim it's the strongest setup you can do I love dtswiss
um what kind of spokes do you would you uh competitions it's a 20182 pretty
standard they're strong they're they're cheap they're light like cheap relevantly but they're not AO expensive
like AO blade or whatever they're called right um but I kind of think of that Rim
is like a one season Rim almost it's 150 bucks 180 bucks something like that but
like it's alloy so you might Dent it and stuff but if you get a season out of it and you relace it like you can get Four
Seasons out of that for the cost of one Reserve Rim so that's the way I look at it the other way I would go would be the
reserve what are the ones the the HD alloy HD the ones that have the warranty
yeah that's a really good Rim um which has still has a 350 Hub it's
got a really good rim with a really good warranty yeah um or I would go
Reserve uh Carbon wheels as well with a warranty true but that alloy Reserve
wheel is so good it is and that is a 350 Hub 350 Hub the the HD is the whatever
stronger one yeah they have a SL and HD or something like that yeah and isn't there a warranty like against like like
dings and everything to if it's dings and it doesn't hold air free Rim exactly
that's crazy yeah I know it seem seems it seems to me that like that wouldn't be like a warranty thing but good on
them for doing it yeah like it's not a warranty it's it's a r right but it's
covered you hit a rock yeah yeah like whenever I hit a rock and I get a rim D
I'm like that's what happened yeah you know that's not the manufacturer's fault F around find out yeah exactly jump in a
rock garden ding a rim that's what happens right but I guess that's just their way of saying that we think these
are strong and you probably won't have problems or and it's a value prop yeah it is 100% what is it $66.99 I think so
$66.99 for the wheel set for the wheel for the aluminum wheels DT DT 350s yeah
and that Rim can't really beat that it's hard to beat and you couldn't build a that DT S wheel you're talking about for that cheap I think it's close to a grand
for that yeah yeah so I don't know if I was building a bike I mean I I'd
probably be getting a wheel set like that yeah yeah if you want something like already built then that's kind of the way to go I mean I if I was racing
downhill if I was racing downhill I would probably run those f 41 rims or the FR 1500 wheel set is what it is with
the 240 hubs um yeah that's exactly what I would run and just make sure your your
your uh your air pressures are good that's going to be the biggest thing for making a wheel set last and and you stay
up on your spoke tension yeah like make sure Mario halfway through a season you
know you got to but I'd say when you when you if you're wearing out a rear
tire as you're changing that tire yes pull the rim tape give it a tension tape
it back up put on a new tire yeah that's that's the way you're gonna make your wheels last yeah of course it's a way
more of a pain and if you're paying a shop to do it of course it's more expensive but that's where I think
people lack on not making a wheel set last is not keeping the smoke tension up
yeah so I'd say like yeah don't be ignorant to saying to thinking that it's just going to hold up like it's not just
going to hold up you have to take care of it there's maintenance involved with that you know so yeah take care of it it'll take care of you yep preach yeah I
mean as much as you want to like just get a wheel and just ride it and not worry about it like that's what I want to do because I'm horrible at cheing
Wheels um but I mean yeah I mean especially I think with the higher end wheel set you really have to just like I
mean you obviously don't want to break a carbon room yeah you know you want to you got to stay on top of that stuff um
but yeah you could definitely see how people like I got a lifetime War to I'm just going to send it like whatever happens happens
right all right I'll read this next question hey guys love your and YouTube channel it's nice to support a company
who actually cares and supports about mountain biking rather than a faceless corporation uh this year I upgraded from
a mid-travel 68° head angle trail bike to a beefier 64.5 degree bike for my local chunky
Colorado Trails overall has been amazing but I have one issue I have trouble under steering pretty often what tips
would you recommend thanks Philip from Colorado what up Phil sup Phil um I actually had this issue when
bikes started getting a little slacker to start um just pushing the front end a lot not having enough weight on the
front wheel I think it's a few things I think a lot of it is body position for sure just moving your body position a
little bit more forward which feels odd but realistically you're getting your weight between both Wheels more even so
I think that's like number one is just try to weight that front end a little bit more um then you can look to do free
things like drop your your stack a little bit go 5 or 10 mil down on your front spacer it'll help get your weight
more in the front wheel get you over the front end Colorado has chunky Trails but then not that steep for the most part so
you can go a little bit lower at the front end sometimes um so that's another
good one and then you can also look at stem length um I'd say that's like maybe last option and you might get more in
the weeds sometimes than less in the weeds but uh like a 40 to 50 if you add
a 40 try 45 or 50 Mill stem that will also help get your weight a little bit
more on the front front wheel those are my my first tips but yeah body position
you can try to get a little bit lowering tire pressure and then uh lowering the stem a little bit for sure it's all free
things you can do I agree with all that I think what you said about body position is pretty huge like I think if
you make a emphasis on actually leaning the bike over and keeping your hips out
and getting all that all that weight on the outside edge of the tire you will have a much better chance of not washing
the front end I think it'll just it'll turn on an arc better um and then yeah with the stem tips too or the uh stack
High tips it's just going to help you help your body already be in that position I guess yeah for sure yeah if
you have free two hours on the weekend set out cones and go on a you know loose Fire Road or loose section of Trail and
just do turns like feel out where you're going to start sliding and then figure
out the body position around that yep it's a good tip right there um yeah also it could be because you know midt travel
68 degree head tube trail bike I mean that's got to be you know more than 5
years old probably probably so he's probably dealing with some sort of adjustment to the bike geometry in general yeah for sure the head two angle
is not just the thing here so right he could have like your time about body position maybe he was more used to just like riding off the back a little more
right and now he's got to be a little more centered like you said in between the tires um which is which is pretty
huge you know if your body position is not right you're not going to Corner confidently at all yeah try hitting and like try hitting like the same Corner
multiple times in a row and just trying different things with it like even this morning when I was riding yeah the dirt
was insane and I was trying to hit a couple corners without breaking it all and just really leaning the bike over
and trusting it and I rode the trail like three times in a row and was just trying more and more and more and
putting more weight on the front end and then just and yeah trusting it and yeah seeing what the result is I've been
doing a lot on the XC bike cuz I'm running such low pressures that I kind of changed the way I ride the XC bike a
bit and I just lean the bike and just make big arcs more versus like how I kind of used to ride it's a bit more
like slashy and pushy um where you need the tire pressure but when I drop the pressure I just lean on the knobs and
kind of rely on them and it's what worked a lot and like made it so I can go just as fast on a faster tipe like
open open the trail up a little bit that's cool yeah nice all very good tips all very good
tips uh next question hey there I was just curious if you used a flip chip to steepen the seat tube but then used an
angle adjust to slacken the head tube would it counteract the flip chip or not
slightly um usually depends how much your flip chip moves this seat tube
angle but a rear shock or a rear end flip chip most of the time not only will
steepen the head tube and steepen the seat tube but it also raises the bottom braet so if you steepen all that stuff
and raise the BB and then slacking on the head tube yes you'll get a steeper seat tub angle you'll keep your head
tube angle mostly the same but your bb will end up a little bit higher so if you wanted a steeper C2
angle but you also wanted a slacker head tube and you also want a higher BB that's what you would do I guess yeah I
I'd probably just slam my seat as far forward on the rails if you're trying to get the Steep seat tube to feel steeper
and just put your bike in the low position lower where he has it or something um yeah I don't know flip kind
of interesting you know some work well some work too much some don't work at all some don't really do anything some don't do anything
um I I'm not most bikes I don't really want to raise the bottom recet on there
are a few that are way too low and like you could could afford to do that I don't know bik he has um but for the
most part a lower bottom recet is going to help you Corner better what you might clip your p a
little bit while climbing but like you know the goal is to Corner really good and get through Rock Garden so like low
BB try to keep that low and yeah if if your goal is to get a steeper seat tube
angle slam the seat you can go a little bit past where the max line is on the rails and push it far forward yeah
that'll give you a little bit like a degree or something like that huh it'll feel steeper yeah nice well yeah that's
interesting never really thought about doing all these things I never really had a bike where you could throw an
angle adjust headset in there or a flip chip or anything like that I don't know yeah yeah I know I don't know I guess
yetis and Rebels and a lot of bikes we carry actually don't have that much flip chips or anything yeah yeah I think
there's something to be said for just designing a bike from Factory I think I think an angle set's kind of going in
the weeds a little bit I mean you can you can play with stuff if you have like an issue but it's kind of how the bike
was designed to be ridden around yeah yeah and I think for the most part like the like 2.3 degree changes are like so
minor and then we can talk about if the factory made the frame accurately or not you know what I mean like there's a
variance that is allowed to come out of a factory and it might be as much or more than that
so don't even want to get into those that is crazy but uh yeah I don't
know not really much of a tinker in that front you know I I guess for the most part it's really just a Band-Aid right if you're if you have a bike bike you
wanted slacker I mean what else you going to do you're going to get a new bike or you going to get a headset adjuster slacker I don't know yeah you
could yeah for me like when I get a new bike it takes me a while to like really start jelling with it and I'm not really
worried too much about like angles and stuff really I'm more worried about like suspension setup and if my cockpit is
feels feels good but the angles are kind of just what it is and what I'm stuck with and let's adapt to what I've been
given kind of for sure I know I have some writing friends that are like I'll a new bike or I'll show up on something
and they'll be like oh what's the head toing on that I'm like I have no clue I have no idea I don't know yeah they're like oh well and it's like it's to me
it's a puzzle how does all of these things work together in unison along with the suspension design because like
you can have the same numbers from one bike to the other but one's a high pivot and one's not and it's still going to be
so much different to set up because of what the suspension does to the bike yep so yeah just uh play around with that
every ride figure it out yeah well said we'll have about this next question hey guys love listening to
the podcast it helps me deal with my MTB addiction while I am stuck in the house because of the winter weather I'm
definitely envious that you guys can ride you round I just got a druid V1 frame which I am in the process of building up I have been planning on
going to Snowshoe this summer for the first time it seems like the Druid should be able to handle a bike park without any issues I am planning on
running muret MTS with two or three odors and Schwab gravity tires do you think the Druid will be fine if I'm
avoiding double black and PR lines or would you still rent a bike any other changes you would make to make the bike
better for Snowshoe thanks and keep up the good work sounds pretty good to me yeah I
would say how how he's having it set up is a good way to start and if he's avoiding
double blacks and pro lines I think you'll have no problem with that setup there I think it'll be super fun actually yeah um where you start getting
into issues and you probably have to be just a more advanced Rider if you're going to be riding double and stuff in
pro lines with the Druid is H you don't have as much room for erir but if you're riding like a a blue or a black Trail I
think it's awesome yeah highly highly recommend it for sure um if you could
bump your fork to like 160 it might make yourself a little bit more confident in the bike park on the Druid because
usually it's like a 150 front yeah so if you could bump that that might help a little bit um it's not too expensive to
to get a shaft and swap it in but yeah i' go thick tires like you're doing big rotors um you can even mess around with
trying to go slightly lower in in pressure on your suspension and it feels like you might have a little bit more
you might bottom out a little bit more but you'll be able to take those medium impacts way better yeah in the bike park
sounds like so much fun but yeah I mean it is fun I ride I haven't I've had a downhill
bike one time otherwise I just ride bike parks and I've ridden them plenty on 130 140 bikes and yeah super fun it's
awesome you you put thick tires on a bike like that and it transforms the bike to something that can be different
yeah yeah absolutely yeah Druid is a good tool for the job in that regard I mean you can you can really handle a
bunch of stuff on the East Coast too um you're still riding the Drew V2 right Trevor yeah I'm loving it I'm
thinking about building up another one for myself as well sick um it's uh it's been super impressive and yeah honestly
what sold me was riding at the bike park like i' I rode the sp140 a bunch at the bike park and it was cool but the uh the
Druid is a little bit smaller travel and um man the hard you push that bike it
just gets better and it's the frame is very stiff so I can push it really hard and yeah I remember at Big Brother this
summer riding that and um I was hucking to flat and to the point where I had to
bump up my pressures CU I was just hucking to flat but that's just me and it was fun no that bike is super
rewarding the harder you push it yeah it's so fun and it just yeah I know
confidence inspiring is thrown around a lot but it really is it really is definitely it's definitely not your ex
130 travel bikee no and it definitely punches two two weights above its weight class me and Trevor were both in Utah
and he was on the Druid 130 and I was on a rascal 130 but like those two bikes
ride so much differently so different the rasal is like a BMX bike so fun pretty rewarding when you pedal into it
and like you know pumping and all that stuff but you start get weo I don't know what we down is graft Grafton it's a
chunky property and Trevor's just smashing up on me and I'm I'm like kind of tip telling down this thing cuz I'm like
this is can get spicy fast on this bikeid plows and they're same 130 rear
totally different plows that's what I wrote on jar had the Dr on the St George
trip like that was and uh it was cool where else did you have the jid and Jeff
Italy Italy and Jeff was riding behind Jared and goes I think I'm blown up a Drew next cuz Jeff Jared just heals down
plowing while we're getting bounced all over the place on these Trail yeah oh it's such a good bike man I do miss it
it's a good time it's definitely it's uh it's Progressive for sure it's cool yeah big fan sick big fan yeah you just need
the right environment to really take advantage of the full potential of that thing and I'm not you're not doing that
without my back door no not out your back door but out over there you can over there you can yeah just just drive
10 minutes oh man maybe there will be a druid in my future forbidden would be
sick I I love those bikes yeah all right one last question I got it I'm looking to upgrade my drivetrain area and
looking at different jockey Wheels what would you uh what would you like for recommendations also it is worth is it
worth it to buy a cable jockey wheel for my derailer like a bike Yol Shifty and finally what's your opinion on Muk off
ludicrous Lube I know that's a long one but um love the podcast yeah not that long of a question but appreciate
question I have I have ran um kogal ceramic bearings on a bike it was a a
race bike that I had and we were sponsored by kogal and yeah um there cool because it won't really break on you and I've never had a pulley break on
me so that's one thing yeah um it was kind of loud the chain the chain uh not
really pedaling loud but like vibration from riding down the trail it would kind of clap around a bunch like alloy pully
wheels yeahh so I don't know if that's what he's asking here but I think it is yeah I don't know it I don't I guess
it's why are you upgrading are you upgrading for saving watts and if so are
go damic speed like they're the experts they're the best um if you're looking to
save Watts otherwise I don't know I don't know I'm just I don't really know
if upgrading the jockey Wheels is like a necessary thing like you said they're kind of loud some of the metal ones a
lot of them are plastic because they are quiet might wear your drive train a little faster might wear your drive train faster that's true um so like the
stock ones and just keep them fresh keep them lubed up keep them clean but keep them lubed is essential if and like
chain clean if you're really looking to save Watts then yes ceramic speed is the expert in watt savings so otherwise the
stock ones are pretty dang good right the keable jockey wheel for the derailer I guess it could work um kind of in the
same thing like can make it a little bit smoother but again like if you just keep the stock one really clean keep your
cable and housing really clean and and change that out and service it what is he talking about cable jockey wheel so
like I think on the suram [ __ ] that goes around oh gotcha yeah yeah so you you put that on your triler and it
basically is like a smoother bearing for where the sh where the shifter Cable's going on there gotcha so same kind of
thing like never even thought about that yeah might make like a minor Improvement but I think the biggest thing is going
to be friction in that cable and housing running from end to end making sure it's short and as straight as possible will
make a bigger difference I think than just that by Hoke Shifty yeah run like a cable through just the raw housing and
if there's you want nothing no friction at all yeah buying a nice cable and housing like we use specific cable and
housing that's you know we don't use baller stuff but we don't definitely don't use basic stuff here yeah U we
kind of use Middle Line stuff when I used to build road bikes a lot I used baller like Yoko Zuma cable and housing
that you'd buy like kits of it wasn't like just bulk stuff um and it makes a huge difference B gu yeah on when I
built a road bikes before too I would run like duras cables cuz they're coated in this crazy Teflon coting or something
like that and um they were good and it made your shifting absolutely frictionless but I will say with those
darus cables the coating would kind of bunch up sometimes and caus more friction and causes more friction so
theer cables were better cuz they were still coated with something but there was no bunching up with that but those
duras ones when they're new are insane yeah I found the same thing with the duras um it's funny and then yeah Muk
off ludicrous Lube I don't actually have any experience with that but I'm just going to fill my lube recommendation out
there squirt man squirt clean drivetrain put on two layers of Squirt it is my
go-to lub so yeah yeah I've never used I don't have any experience with that
either um I mean I just neither I think I'm like I don't know oilbased Lubes to
me are just uh they can only be so good and so clean in my opinion yeah if you were unless
you of course you rid in wet stuff then yeah that's what I was going to say that but we but I don't think Lube is going
to be good on wet stuff yeah I don't don't that sounds like that sounds like more of a ceramic stuff dry road bike
almost like if you're going to not get it super dirty yeah um yeah keep keeping
it clean is the most important thing keeping it clean just lubed all of us here use Squirt 100% of the time yeah I
use sometimes SOA on my road bike but that's cuz we got like a big kit of it I have started to use or started to try
out the motorx lube sh or I guess Shimano bot motorx the wax one yeah you
like it and um yeah it's kind of the same thing as squirt though really yeah the motorx saying something motorx is a
pretty big company pretty legit so ni they're making a a wax based lube just like that MH sick that's good to know y
you know I mean I think I am totally converted to the wax based stuff yeah like I mean we we'll do like a little
chain waxing party and do the full crockpot but then I only do that every maybe six eight weeks or
something and then I top off with squirt um road bike I'll top off with SOA a little bit more than squirt just because
it's it doesn't last as long though but you don't need to on the road bike and then I have some ceramic speed stuff for
race day but fancy that's it that's it yeah that's it that's all keep it clean
keep it clean keep it lub keep it mean keep it clean keep it mean that's right well that just about wraps this one up
thank you all so much for listening we truly do appreciate it and if you haven't already you can
screenshot your review of this fantastic podcast and email it to podcast worldwid and we will give you $15 gift
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